'Feminism' always was and is anti woman. It was about erasing women. (Trans movement is a continuation on the war on women)
Women... you're just as good as men. Men are the enemy. You can have it all!!! I'm feeling girly. Let me mansplain being a woman. I'm a better woman than you could ever be.
Women shouldn't strive to be 'as good' as men. We always were and are. . We all have our own complementing strengths and weaknesses. No, nobody can have it all. At least not all at once. And why is it that 'feminists' despise women who choose (pro choice, right?) to forgo a career to raise badass women and real men? I assure you all, I have no ragerts. I'm proud to be my husband's wife. He honors me. In no way am I his subjected, controlled puppet. Just ask him. I'm proud to be a mother of 4. I'm proud of who we raised and what we've built. And since we worked so I could be with our children and keeping our family on track, who do you think was running our family circus day to day? And I'm so very thankful my husband worked to make my and our children's lives possible. What many don't understand is that I worked just as hard to support my husband. We're a team.
Why are wives and mothers judged less than by 'feminists' ? What could be more badass woman than a wife and mother....raising the future? Don't get me wrong. I support and cheer on any woman, no matter how she chooses to live her life. But the judgement and dismissal I've experienced over the years for 'just' being a wife and mother (never mind it was more financialky responsible) is starkly contrasted to my friends with careers.
I might be the woman that simply turned round and quietly but very clearly told my very mouthy girlfriend to 'shut the FUCK up'. In the middle of our club's dining room. That F bomb miight have been a tad loud. When I decide to say something, there's a reason. I'm pretty patient and bite my tongue quite a bit. But when I say something?
I'm pretty frigging direct and to the point and will not back down or make excuses/arguments. Just shut the fuck up. Most people know this about me. I am who I am and make no apology. If I'm engaging, there's a reason.
Everybody thinks I just say anything because of what I do say. I don't. But I guess I say enough to give that impression. My kids laugh, shudder, and give prayers of thanks that I do not say everything I think.
Ladies? We're badass just as we are no matter what we choose to do with our lives. And the ultimate pro choice is the choice to pivot when what was important no longer is....and having our men supporting us in our choice as we fiercely support him. THAT is true feminism. Aka egalitarianism aka human decency. Truly supporting all women fully making her choice to live her life as she chooses. Not just those women and wannabe women who serve the cause.
How Motherhood Liberated Me
‘My daughter doesn’t care if I’m exceptional. She just cares that I am hers.’
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