Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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'Feminism' always was and is anti woman. It was about erasing women. (Trans movement is a continuation on the war on women)

Women... you're just as good as men. Men are the enemy. You can have it all!!! I'm feeling girly. Let me mansplain being a woman. I'm a better woman than you could ever be.


Women shouldn't strive to be 'as good' as men. We always were and are. . We all have our own complementing strengths and weaknesses. No, nobody can have it all. At least not all at once. And why is it that 'feminists' despise women who choose (pro choice, right?) to forgo a career to raise badass women and real men? I assure you all, I have no ragerts. I'm proud to be my husband's wife. He honors me. In no way am I his subjected, controlled puppet. Just ask him. 😅 I'm proud to be a mother of 4. I'm proud of who we raised and what we've built. And since we worked so I could be with our children and keeping our family on track, who do you think was running our family circus day to day? And I'm so very thankful my husband worked to make my and our children's lives possible. What many don't understand is that I worked just as hard to support my husband. We're a team.

Why are wives and mothers judged less than by 'feminists' ? What could be more badass woman than a wife and mother....raising the future? Don't get me wrong. I support and cheer on any woman, no matter how she chooses to live her life. But the judgement and dismissal I've experienced over the years for 'just' being a wife and mother (never mind it was more financialky responsible) is starkly contrasted to my friends with careers.

I might be the woman that simply turned round and quietly but very clearly told my very mouthy girlfriend to 'shut the FUCK up'. In the middle of our club's dining room. That F bomb miight have been a tad loud. When I decide to say something, there's a reason. I'm pretty patient and bite my tongue quite a bit. But when I say something?

I'm pretty frigging direct and to the point and will not back down or make excuses/arguments. Just shut the fuck up. Most people know this about me. I am who I am and make no apology. If I'm engaging, there's a reason.

Everybody thinks I just say anything because of what I do say. I don't. But I guess I say enough to give that impression. My kids laugh, shudder, and give prayers of thanks that I do not say everything I think.

Ladies? We're badass just as we are no matter what we choose to do with our lives. And the ultimate pro choice is the choice to pivot when what was important no longer is....and having our men supporting us in our choice as we fiercely support him. THAT is true feminism. Aka egalitarianism aka human decency. Truly supporting all women fully making her choice to live her life as she chooses. Not just those women and wannabe women who serve the cause.

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bribe.According to Derkach, a $6 million cash bribe was reportedly handed over to Ukrainian law enforcement to shut down the investigation into Burisma. $12 million was given to a drone army under secret court order.The Burisma lawyer who handed over the $6 million did it on camera. The other $12 million, according to Derkach, was donated to a drone army under secret court ruling. The drone army reportedly kills people and does not target infrastructure facilities.Derkach says that the chains of transactional records would lead investigators to believe that funds were used to supply American companies to send to the Central Intelligence Office (GUR).The $6 million has been held as evidence, by a secret court order. The money was handed over to a military unit of the Central Intelligence Office (GUR) for the sake of carrying out terrorist activities. After that, Derkach says, the Nord Stream explosions occurred, Prilepin was attacked, Darya Dugina, daughter of far-right political activist Aleksandr Dugin, was assassinated.Top officers of security agencies in Ukraine—Malyuk, Budanov—they reportedly conduct interviews using extra-budgetary cash.Derkach says all transactions of funds have been traced from Burisma to Morgan Stanley to Rosemont Seneca, which is affiliated with and owned by Hunter Biden. U.S. Congress is using these documents to prove influence peddling.The criminal case initiated in regard to Burisma, actively investigated by Prosecutor General Shokin was not closed until 2020. Derkach says all who have sponsored and participated in terrorism will be held accountable for their crimes.

The thing about nordstream 2 blowing up is that there is a pipeline running through Ukraine that hasn't shut down the entire war...


Now why would they blow up the line they don't have access to but not blow up the line they can steal gas out of?????
Couple of Oakwood men on this list.

When people ask is it worth it. Yes.... as long as it's 100% kid driven. Not about you. Not your life. It's his or hers.

I ask how serious is your kid and , realistically, how good? Are you making it possible to let him/her compete with the best or are you the driving force? Riley and Max came to us. They handled everything.... except for the financing and driving and hotels (I should just be paying MD taxes at this point). My job was to get them where they needed to be. Are you expecting the kid to play in college or just letting him do what he loves? What is the goal? Will you be pissed if she's done at that last meet? If 'yes', this is not for you (I have a younger daughter who quit diving because she didn't love it. She missed junior Olympics by .05. Whatever. She didn't want that to be HER life. Cool. Wasn't my life. I was along on her journey. Even if my kids hadn't gone on, I would never give up that time on the road and just being there with them, supporting what they love. I've had one go D1. One chose D3 (because he saw and learned from his sister)

Funny enough...Max was more heavily recruited for football. He purposely chose to go with lacrosse.

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Part of the reasoning for bringing millions of 3rd world shit hole dwellers to these countries. They bring the diseases previously controlled or non-existent to overwhelm the medical system. Just in time for masking, isolation and ballot drop boxes. Election season. Of course, the authorities will claim many more are infected than what really are just to impose their edicts. Look for the media, CDC, FDA, NIH and others to claim a new pandemic without any proof. Trust the science.
^^Hitler wasn't all bad, he did kill Hitler^^



Aaron Rodgers Suggests many Batches of the Covid Vaccine’s were SALINE 💉

“We know many batches were toxic and deadly, and many batches that were perhaps, just saline.”

He then points out that it’s conjecture at this point, but there is evidence that suggests the amount of vaccines that went out wouldn’t have been possible..

This Clip

That was the most pathetic cry I've heard.

No guarantee any court would overturn the guilty verdicts that come or release DJT from the jail you know he will be put in. Not sure there are 5 votes on the SCOTUS to reverse any travesty of justice. Roberts, ACB and Kavanaugh are compromised.


Aaron Rodgers Suggests many Batches of the Covid Vaccine’s were SALINE 💉

“We know many batches were toxic and deadly, and many batches that were perhaps, just saline.”

He then points out that it’s conjecture at this point, but there is evidence that suggests the amount of vaccines that went out wouldn’t have been possible..

This Clip

Hence the reason no politician, no corporate brass, no hedge fund ruler or anyone else in authoritarian positions have #diedsuddenly.

Wild new ufo 'whistleblower' post. Take with a grain of salt. Found a few parts of it interesting.

"Weapons research is a large wing, and is fairly new. It was absorbed by the Space Force when it the SF was created. Frustration with the SF as a whole is part of why I left shortly before it started. I don't know much about it. It has a high turnover rate and is dangerous to work in. People were injured and compensated by a large private aerospace contractor instead of the USG."

"The navigation in every craft is the same. The craft use a system that originally befuddled generations of researchers, but it's essentially a 3D dijkstra algorithm. It finds points around the craft, and chooses the most efficient possible route through space time to get to that point. Some of the parameters it uses to gauge efficiency are totally unknown to us and are a serious point of contention. It's not autonomy, but rather obstacle avoidance not unlike what you would see in a self-driving car. But, the self driving car could go through air, space and water without worrying about what medium its in. Additionally, the algo accounts for the crafts place in time. I don't think this means that the craft time travel in the way we think they can, but rather go so fast that they experience dilation and can hit objects in the future, and, potentially, past at their target destination."

"They constantly monitor all discussions about the topic, but rarely act in real life unless absolutely necessary. They staff facilities like the second one I worked at. This team also actively engages in disinformation, gaslighting and other similar campaigns. Their goal is to keep the US's secrets about this tech, secret, because other countries are close to breakthroughs."

"It was a frustrating job, because everything was so stagnant and had so, so much potential. We're talking about technology so advanced it could render every single current global issue obsolete. If we solved two major issues with the craft and were able to manufacture them, we wouldn't know what to do with ourselves."

So, if we can solve the technical issues with this mysterious craft, then figure out how to build it, it would be really cool.

It’s time to address this commonly used anti-Trump talking point about his inability to drain the swamp in his first term.

Trump’s first term was completely hamstrung by the Mueller investigation and the MSM had the public convinced Trump was literally a Russian agent… Then as soon as he got past the Russia hoax, they released a biological weapon, shut the world down, and stole the election.

If Trump would have gone in day one, and started arresting people, he would have looked like a totalitarian dictator, and would have caused massive uprisings and legitimately a civil war. The public were not even awake yet at this point.

The same people criticizing Trump for not draining the swamp, didn’t even believe the swamp was real back in 2016. The MSM still had the overwhelming majority of Americans under their spell.

So while it’s real easy for RFK Jr. supporters to criticize Trump now, the majority of them didn’t even know this war with the Deep State was going on, and they would have criticized Trump for draining the swamp if he did it, and called him a dictator.

The world wasn’t awake then. Now they are. This is why Trump is going to finish the job this time. Because the public have been shown how deep the corruption goes.

They are ready.

Re-election is #1 for any politician. He just needs to get elected one more time and he can do so much good………

Also, you think he was hamstrung last time? They had no idea he could win and were caught off guard. If they let him back in this time, the obstruction is going to blow what happened last term out of the water.

I bet ol Milo can tell some WTF st...1713794645-amp-rwbWH0g0qsYT1eZ8N01NwA[/QUOTE]

Re: Peace negotiations. The reason there are none is Blackrock et al want to buy Ukraine with money from US taxpayers at fractions of cents on the dollar.

Slovakia's prime minister Robert Fico has been SHOT and has been rushed to the hospital.

Four shots were fired after a governmental meeting. One of the shots hit Fico in the abdomen, Reuters reported.

A witness said he heard several shots before he saw the police detain a suspect.

"I am shocked and appalled by the shooting of Prime Minister Robert Fico in Handlova," the opposition Progressive Slovakia’s Michal Šimečka said.

"We unequivocally and strongly condemn any violence," he added.

Fico has been called a "Putin ally" by his opposition. He is accused of leading a "Pro-Russia" coalition in Europe, along with Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban.

Fico has pushed a "sovereign Slovak foreign policy" and refuses to provide Ukraine with military aid.

NEW - Stormy Daniels’ husband says they will likely flee US if Trump is found not guilty in hush money trial.
^^will anyone care?^^

^^whoopsie Daisy^^

^^sure, flush some more down the tubes^^

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