I was never interested in UFO/Aliens until one of Tucker Carlson’s interviews on UFOs where he said It’s so dark that he haven’t even told his wife. I understand why he feels that way after digging on this subject. I now believe UFOs and Aliens are Real, but they are Fallen Angels, NOT from outer space...
I have attempted many times to posts about Fallen Angels here on earth, but I was never able to articulate it well enough where I think people could understand what I am wanting to convey. That is until I came across this video of Father Chad Ripperger, a renowned Catholic priest and exorcist who explains it all very well. Here is just a clip, but very powerful that helps us understand that the War we are fighting is a Spiritual War of Good vs Evil. To know and understand the levels of Spiritual Warfare you must know enough about the subject. Same as your faith, you must know your faith well enough to not get tempted.
We see that many heads of church, politicians, celebrities/musicians, etc. are into satanism, these people invite evil into their lives and it’s clear by their Agenda. The WEF 2030 Agenda aka Satan’s Agenda where the Globalist Elites wants to usher in the NWO with the help of Head of States that they’ve installed around the world. There may not be many things we can do to combat Satan, but one thing everyone can do is Vote Out Satan’s Agenda!
I’ve been saying for quite sometime now that all the corruptions we are seeing leads back to Child Sex Trafficking because it’s their funding mechanism, but it’s also them sacrificing children for Molech. Now more are aware of Child Sex Trafficking/Sacrifice because of Jeffrey Epstein and P Diddy, etc. but that is just the tip of the iceberg.
We need to thank people like Katt Williams, John Paul Rice, Mel Gibson, etc. who spoke out when it wasn’t popular and Hollywood and the media had people believing that they were crazy. They luckily survived, but many others weren’t so lucky like Isaac Kappy, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Avicci, Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, Ines Zorreguieta, Natacha Jaitt, Sabrina Bittencourt, Paul Walker, Anne Heche, Andrew Breitbart, Seth Rich, Nancy Schaefer, Michael Hastings, Ted Gunderson, Robert David Steele and many more died trying to expose this evil. We can NOT let them die in vain and is why people should NOT look up or listen to people like Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey, The Rock, Jay Z, Beyoncé, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga and this list is very long… These are the demon that has infiltrated in the music/movie industry and is fighting against Trump.
where Father Ripperger explains under Satan there are 5 General that execute his plans:
◦The first General is Baal who is the demon of impurity and his principal function is to get cultures to succumb to impurity primarily through fornication. This spiritual adversary aims to distort and pervert the gift of human sexuality, leading individuals away from the divine order intended by God. Baal lays the groundwork for the free love movement where men will start to want to sleep with men and women with women this includes the normalizing of deviant sexual behavior. (Now you see where Baal-lenciaga was derived from)
◦The second General is Asmodeus is the demon of homosexuality in men.
◦The third General is Leviathan is the demon of homosexuality in men, but of the masculine kind.
◦The fourth General is Lilith is the demon of female homosexuality.
◦The fifth General is Baphomet is the demon of child sacrifice/abortion.
All of what he says here makes sense on why they are pushing homosexuality in every culture. Also, look no further than the Bible to understand what is in store for us if we don’t fight against their agenda. If you pay attention, all the WEF agenda that are being pushed for ie. food shortages which is Famine are all part of their end game.