Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Why would Trump make such a statement if it didn't hold deeper significance? It's because it's communication.

Since 2021, he has consistently conveyed his intention to return and address the alleged fraud in the 2020 election before the 2024 election.


The End of Merit in Med Schools Will Be Deadly​


Editor’s Note: America is at war. This is not a traditional war, fought on a battlefield against an external enemy. It is a civilizational conflict against an internal enemy: the group quota regime, a revolutionary threat that seeks to reorganize American society around the principle of outcome equality — what the regime’s partisans call “equity.”
This cold civil war may go unnoticed by many day-to-day, but its stakes are often as high as life and death. Here, Roger B. Cohen, a celebrated oncologist and professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, explains how the group quota regime has taken hold of the American medical education system and asks urgent questions about the consequences for medicine, for the sick, and for the country.

This happened a couple of weeks ago here at Restone in HVS AL.

The guy, a 4-star, was responsible for the overall procurement for the Army.
DEI + Pussy took him out.

Seems like I've heard of more top brass getting canned the last 12 months than I can remember in my life. Maybe it's news is reporting it more now but it sure would fit the narrative that Biden is purging the military of patriots and letting dei supporters fill those roles.

, and military decline. Everyone sees it, and everyone knows it, and yet no one seems to care enough to stop it. We put a man on the moon with slide rules, but we can’t keep plane doors from falling off mid-flight. We harnessed the atom and discovered the secret to limitless clean energy but decided it would be better to pockmark the land with giant bird blenders masquerading as windmills. We rescued a world at war with itself not once but twice, but couldn’t manage to defeat an inbred band of Stone Age goat herders. Our streets used to be the envy of the world, and now they’re filled with excrement, tents, and needles. The dollar was once the international symbol of strength and stability, but a century of overspending and delusional monetary policy has its value by 95 percent. Imagine America as a car. Then imagine the government stole it from you, used it as an ashtray, drove it off a cliff, sold off the remaining parts, gave the cash proceeds to its shady foreign friends, and then billed you for the damages. That is what our politicians have done to this country. We are rapidly approaching the point where the decline becomes irreversible. And the most evil and tragic aspect of the entire situation is that it never had to be this way. It was all preventable. But none of the people in position to prevent it had any interesting in stopping the decline, because they were too busy using it to get more money and power for themselves.



Why would Trump make such a statement if it didn't hold deeper significance? It's because it's communication.

Since 2021, he has consistently conveyed his intention to return and address the alleged fraud in the 2020 election before the 2024 election.

Back from where? Where the fuck is he going? And should i be going as well?? Haha Skol!
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