You say this but these people are being placed ahead of more qualified Asians and whites in Medical, Dental, MBA programs, flight training, the military and more."Two brothers, ages 16 and 17, were arrested after showing up to the bust armed with a BB gun and wearing ski masks and hoodies to commit an armed robbery against a detective posing as a prostitute they met online, Judd said."
Future rocket scientists
All Cross-Over Voters
This is why President Trump lost Vermont this is one of their Senators.
Second comment... Listening to the Ashley Merchant testimony at the Ga House.... Dude is going to have to pull her. Lot more info coming out. Watching ViveFrei live feed of it. Fani is going to have serious issues with the state. She asked for $500k to do a backlog of murder cases and hire 55 additional prosecutors to get through them... she got the money and it looked like she only hired a few people like Wade for way more than what GA usually pays for such prosecutors.That would be a huge mistake for him and might put him in the middle of the Fulton Co. coverup. He will have the first say on disqualifying her but certainly not the final say.