Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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McDonald's is the largest retailer of human meat. They boast in their motto "billions served". They must tell the truth and they do but you do not understand that you speak in babble and they speak in proper English. Etymology exposes their language.

Etymology: "Mac"= is "the son of", or "Children". They tell you the truth in their menu. It's a big "mac or "son of man". You assume it is beef because they claim they are 100% USDA beef & guess what? It is 100% USDA beef.

We are considered goyim by the 13 bloodlines which is cattle so again they told the truth as they are required, therefore they consider themselves free of any wrong doing. As Rabi Abraham Finkelstein said "if they don't believe it that's their problem". The double arches are devil horns & also 33 (the highest level of Freemasonry).

Ronald McDonald wears red shoes. (Research the red shoe club) The elite wear red shoes which is leather made from babies.

In the image provided they are telling you in proper English what's on the menu. Too bad you read in babble so they get away with telling you the truth & you consent by seeing it on the menu & ordering it anyway.

The nuggets have nano technology in them (black strands) & the fries are soaked in pesticides prior to shipping them to various locations. There is nothing on the McDonald's food or drink menu that isn't poison. Even their water is fluoride laced.

Over the counter Supplements and Energy Drink warning! B12

CyanocoBALomine is literally poison (cyanide), it’s also made from literally raw human sewage.

It’s used in many energy drinks and in B12 supplements.

Just imagine what’s in the rest of the energy drinks and supplements.

Just remember, if it’s organic don’t panic.

Over the counter Supplements and Energy Drink warning! B12

CyanocoBALomine is literally poison (cyanide), it’s also made from literally raw human sewage.

It’s used in many energy drinks and in B12 supplements.

Just imagine what’s in the rest of the energy drinks and supplements.

Just remember, if it’s organic don’t panic.

It's interesting that not only Colombia but the majority of countries around the world will not allow for the importation of vitamins and supplements from the USA

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