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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020

Ginsburg Opinion Could Aid Trump in N.Y. Fraud Case NEWSMAX​


Former President Donald Trump's appeal of the $454 million civil fraud judgment against him in New York could be helped by an opinion written by the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Ginsburg in February 2019 wrote the majority opinion in Timbs v. Indiana, in which the high court voted 9-0 to find that the Eighth Amendment is applicable to the states.

The justices ruled against Indiana, which was seeking to confiscate defendant Tyson Timbs' $42,000 Land Rover, for assessing a fine that was "grossly disproportionate" to the gravity of the offense.

The Land Rover's value was more than four times the maximum $10,000 fine that Timbs was liable for in a criminal case that involved controlled substances and conspiracy to commit theft, Independent Journal Review reported.

"The Eighth Amendment's Excessive Fines Clause is an incorporated protection applicable to the States under the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause," the justices found.

"The prohibition embodied in the Excessive Fines Clause carries forward protections found in sources from Magna Carta to the English Bill of Rights to state constitutions from the colonial era to the present day," Ginsburg argued in the case. "Protection against excessive fines has been a constant shield throughout Anglo-American history for good reason: Such fines undermine other liberties."

Ginsburg added that such fines "can be used, e.g., to retaliate against or chill the speech of political enemies."


Jan 8, 2021

Every parcel of vacant land in my area of Texas has either houses or warehouses being built on it.

Just think these corrupt scum people were prosecuting people for the same criminal acts they were doing.
The old adage. When you point your finger at someone there are 3 pointing back at you.


Dec 1, 2020
All this Winning but we are not tired.

5. Majority of Americans believe Biden is corrupt.
6. Climate alarmism is looking more like a hoax every day.
7. Majority of Americans know the news is not real.
8. Everyone who isn't a TDS gooner knows the Jan 6th Insurrection hoax was an FBI/Democrat op.
9. It has become common knowledge that the Fine People hoax was the centerpiece of Biden's campaign.
10. No reasonable person thinks Biden is mentally capable of doing the job. You can't win much harder than that.


Dec 1, 2020
Fani and Wade indicted Mike Roman as well as Pres Trump and 17 others.
As karma would have it Mike Roman happens to be one of the GOP's best opposition researchers.
He and his lawyer are going in dry on Fani and Wade today. :cool:😂View attachment 213345
Replying to myself but I love when Karma comes to evil people like Fani and Wade.


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