Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I have a friend's wife who had Mel Brooks sit next to her in Vegas at a bar. During their conversation, Brooks said he could not make this again in today's environment.
I've felt that way for a while, but actually if you think about it, this was all about making fun of white folks, so basically any sitcom or commercial today. Probably couldn't punch a horse though,


I think when he returned to the room where he found it, everything was gone. I think he said angels moved them.
I believe he found the actual Ark. His drawing had the angels wings on the mercy seat different from any picture or drawing I've seen. The mercy seat is the actual throne Christ will rule from in the millennial. His drawing had the wings situated like a chair.

Got a pic handy?

Really surprised he's still alive today.

^^Mental illness^^


3. The person who took the DNC emails and gave them to Julian Assange was a whistleblower. This person later ended up dead under strange circumstances. The bad guys in this movie had a really REALLY [and I mean this, so pay attention] REALLY good reason to fake how these emails were 'stolen' by an evil foreign government, i.e. "Russia" when they weren't stolen by the Russians.6. Donald J. Trump asking a casual question of newly elected Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky about the current location of the DNC server in Ukraine caused every single one of these people to instantly SHIT THEMSELVES and frantically and ham-handedly engineer Trump's first impeachment on trumped up [pun intended] fake whistleblower complaint by a CIA agent named Ciaramella.THEYCANNOTHAVEANYOFTHISCOME OUT. It MUST not come out. If it comes out, Washington DC will fall. So. Take the pieces of the puzzle, draw the picture, and put the puzzle together. Assange + Putin are the two people who can take down the 'House of Cards' they oh-so-carefully constructed to hide the truth about the DNC emails and what they directly led investigators to. Get ready for your "Crowdstrike", "Eric Ciamerella", "Shawn Misko", "Michael Carpenter" "Server in Ukraine" and "Seth Rich" pop quiz that I've been telling you was coming for the past several months. Nothing. N-O-T-H-I-N-G....Can stop what is coming. **PANIC IN DC**. Hey everybody, what's it called when you IMPEACH a sitting President to HIDE YOUR OWN CRIMES? Ah yes, I have it right here! It's called TREASON. Have a nice day.

For some mysterious reason that isn't yet apparent, Tucker has held back that interview. Did Assange tell him something that led him to want to get the Russian President on the record first before he releases the Assange interview?
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TUCKER: Let’s talk about climate change. This idea continues to be encouraged in the United States and Europe. What is your position?
PUTIN: Humanity is not even a type 1 civilization on the scale of Kardashev. If we cannot exploit the energy potential of the planet, how can we control the climate?
TUCKER: Are you at least worried?
PUTIN: I am more concerned about the real problems. Climate change is not one of them. The Earth is quite successful in self-regulating. And if Siberia warms up a little, all the better. More agricultural land for Russia.
TUCKER: But what would you say to the true believers who are convinced that we are heading for disaster?
PUTIN: I would tell them that worrying about climate change is like complaining about the weather. If you don’t like the climate, move. If you are worried about the weather, get an umbrella.
TUCKER: In that sense, how do you see the transgender movement?
PUTIN: I find it interesting that everything that was once the target of blackmail is now a badge of honor. In Russia, there are no laws in all cases, but we certainly do not force our children to do this.
TUCKER: Russia has been criticized for its anti-gay laws and as being hostile to LGBTQ+.
PUTIN: We have laws that protect our children. And we don’t drape our embassies in rainbow flags. That’s correct. Otherwise, we do not intervene in the private lives of adult citizens.
TUCKER: Do you follow American sports? We are about to have the Super Bowl.
PUTIN: Actually, yes. Russia is a great sports nation. We have hosted the Winter Olympic Games and the World Cup quite recently. We all love sports.
TUCKER: What do you think about American football?
PUTIN: It’s an interesting sport. But why is it called football when the ball is almost always played with the hands? It also sometimes seems unnecessarily violent.
TUCKER: That’s right. Will you look?
PUTIN: The game will not be broadcast in Russia.
TUCKER: So you won’t get to see Taylor Swift either?
PUTIN: No. We got a reprieve.
TUCKER: Thank you President Putin for your time.
The exclusive transcript of the interview with Tucker Carlson Putin
Was that the whole interview? Those few screen grabs? I thought I heard it was like a 2 hour interview of something like that?


This just makes me laugh, doubled up by none of the above. This should follow her for the rest of her career

He hired a trans activist lawyer, who argued that he would not have access to estrogen, and the court agreed. The court then reduced his bond from $100,000 to $5,000 and released him, downgrading his felony sexual abuse of a minor charge to a misdemeanor and dropping all other abuse charges.

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