Those people lack the personality to gin up widespread popular support
To me you are asking why would they choose a charismatic controlled opposition puppet or a dud?
Those candidates also would fail to bring in alot of people Trump brought into the political process
They also had big plans and needed a big personality to slow walk us into medical dictatorship
Romney, McCain, and Rubio to a less extent would have awakened more people earlier to the uniparty stranglehold on power
Trump was also positioned as an outsider/underdog. His victories brought legitimacy and faith into the electoral process
There are many reasons to choose Trump
I think they also we're banking on more violent responses from his supporters
Millions of people wouldn't have shown up on Jan 6th for Romney
We are definitely watching a movie
I see the script writers as enemies and hope to God I'm wrong
The biggest red flags for Trump are the entire Corona process, Kushner/Mnuchin/Wilbur Ross/Adelson/Mercer/Pence etc, no wall, no releasing of JFK/9/11, waltzing out of office and passing the baton to a demented pedophile wholly owned by our primary geopolitical adversary
Believe me, I want nothing more than to be wrong. I will loudly and proudly proclaim it

Gott damn, Cincinattus91 is like the hyper intelligent American version of me -and without all my extreme cuntiness to boot.
I wish/hope Trump ain't a puppet, however too many things suggest otherwise.
Eg: Wilbur Ross & the Rothschilds, Jared Kushner + Ivanka & the Chabadists, the unwavering subservience to the parasite state of crypto-Israel.
It does not make sense why America continues to acquiesce to a foreign state.
Israel is not America.
America is America.
Why is Israel -America's #1 priority?
Why isn't America -America's #1 priority?
Israel still has not even been held to account for the intentional attack resulting in the murder & maiming of dozens of US servicemen aboard the USS Liberty. ffs!
Israel ought to be begging forgiveness and making reparations to America....
....yet we instead see America constantly giving Israel everything Israel demands, all while Israeli so-called "dual-citizens" freely strut around pretending to be actual Americans rather than the Israeli double agents they are as they continue infesting the highest positions within American institutions without any resistance whatsoever.....almost as if America is Israel's fuckin' bitch.
I'm sorry if anyone is offended by my current opinions here, however unless Trump -at the very least- openly takes a strong stance against Israel, I can not consider him anything but compromised.
There is absolutely no excuse for continued pandering to a perfidious state that has repeatedly double crossed & shamelessly betrayed America without any consequences but rather rewarded with American taxpayer funds + American military servicemen fighting Israels bullshit wars.
In my opinion, America has every justification to "bring democracy" to Israel just like America has done/is doing on behalf of Israel to others like Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc....