Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Biological lesson here.

That is an American Cockroach in the picture. You can tell by the yellow band that runs around the outer portion of its head. It will survive us all, as it already has in Hiroshima and become the main food source, Gates wants this, for anyone who survives the Great WEF purge being planned.

The silver cruise missile below it is used to kill them although it often takes repeated exposure. Some of these cockroaches have transitioned to tranny roaches requiring repeated insertion of the cruise missile.

Speaker is just another gutless piece of shit. Hope they oust him too. On to the next one until they get one with a fucking spine.
These people need to have a dickectomy their first day in prison.

Holder, it's you and your ilk who are destroying democracy. It was quite undemocratic for you to ignore a Congressional subpoena.

These dems are starting to hear their constituents' screams of illegal immigration destroying their lives and residences. The dem politicians are not upset at the tribulations their constituents are facing. They are concerned that their constituents will not vote for them cutting them off from their money laundering schemes and stock market windfalls.


Watch The Water

Early last year, Pyongyang said it had carried out multiple tests of a purported underwater nuclear attack drone -- a different version of the Haeil, which means tsunami in Korean -- claiming it could unleash a "radioactive tsunami".


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