Forgot to carry the one..........100 X 30 days = 3000 months
3000 months = 250 years!
Forgot to carry the one..........100 X 30 days = 3000 months
3000 months = 250 years!
I know you completely understand the law. I’m just not sure the SDNY gives a damn about the rule of law.Documents can start coming out anytime that don’t involve J. Doe 107. Once J. Doe 107’s objection is resolved, the rest come out either unredacted, or only with J. Doe 107’s identity redacted.
It is actually 8.33 years. 100 x's 30 DAYS is 3000 days. not months or am i missing somethingForgot to carry the one..........
Isn’t it weird that only true conservatives (not DC Rinos) want the list made public.Kimmel has been spewing reckless words since the man show days. The guy is a hypocrite at best. He has put half the country at risk if he wants to play that game. Too bad because he once was not a super liberal, turd brained doosh. Adam Corolla was the true star
Ha, I know what you’re getting at….it’s definitely not weird. All those child diddlers are pretty scared for that list to see any daylight. I’ve become a man with no party. At least what’s currently offered up in DC anyway. So I want all those involved, regardless of party affiliation, to hang. I don’t think that is too much to say either. Only a truly evil person would sexually exploit and abuse children for their own satisfaction. Sick people we have running the county.Isn’t it weird that only true conservatives (not DC Rinos) want the list made public.
Where the fuck have you been?
Long story been working through a medical emergency episode that my wife had.Where the fuck have you been?
Glad to have you back Broski and prayers to the wifeLong story been working through a medical emergency episode that my wife had.
I think that's part of the job description. One has to become a part of the liberal element to be hired by the MSM.Kimmel has been spewing reckless words since the man show days. The guy is a hypocrite at best. He has put half the country at risk if he wants to play that game. Too bad because he once was not a super liberal, turd brained doosh. Adam Corolla was the true star
DC Rinos don't want to be identified as participants in Epstein's adventures of pedophilia and rape.Isn’t it weird that only true conservatives (not DC Rinos) want the list made public.
If I Ever Need Brain Surgery I Found My Doc
If I Ever Need Brain Surgery I Found My Doc
prayers to you and your wifeLong story been working through a medical emergency episode that my wife had.