We’re really starting to peel back layers now.
Tucker Carlson: Non-Humans “That have always Been Here” — Under the Oceans and Underground, the Vatican has been Involved for the Last 100 Years
Ok… here are my thoughts and I would love to hear yours.
Tucker is a self-proclaimed Christian, so he might as well go ahead and say it… he’s talking about Demonic Entities when he says spiritual, and that alone is just too dark for people to comprehend.
One thing I believe is that demons, or at least their energies have a way of affecting others in this world of free will.
I recently saw a Bible verse from a fren in the chat— Genesis 6:4 which says…
“The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that…”
After that???
Nephilims were (are?) half human/half giants. In Hebrew, it’s believed to mean “Fallen Ones” = Fallen Angels,..
Ephesians 6:12
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
There is enough evidence, at least for me, to come to the conclusion that something happened in first quarter of the 20th century. I believe powerful people came to an agreement with some kind of evil entities.
Anytime I hear UFO’s, or non-humans, my mind IMMEDIATELY goes to Antarctica and the Antarctic Treaty of 1959.. something is definitely there and not right with that whole situation. Exactly what? I don’t know, but I’d bet it’s demonic.
While I can’t prove a word I’m saying, I think I can prove to everyone the negative spirit in the air we are all experiencing.
We can feel the negative energies in this world right now more than ever… Why?
Why is that energy so different than our energies that make us happy, and feel good?
Why is that evil energy so extreme now? And why are more and more people being drawn to God?
Because this is a spiritual war and God is calling his Children to put on his spiritual armor for what’s coming.… I believe we will learn sooner rather than later what evils truly dwell on this earth.
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