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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Dec 1, 2020



Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021


A new Film Coming to America in the Spring of 2024. Here are my takeaways and thoughts.

19 States appears to have seceded from the Union and are called the “Western Forces” (California & Texas) as well as the “Florida Alliance”. They appear to be in a war against the US government.

“The western forces will reach the White House on July 4.”

The US military appears to be activated and fighting against Americans, to the point of dropping air strikes on American citizens.

At the 0:08 second mark “The THREE TERM PRESIDENT…..”

At the 0:41 second mark, there is a Map in the reflection, which appears to depict the factions represented by Blue & Red colors.

At the 0:51 second mark, there is a sign on the building that says, “Jesus Saves”

The story appears to follow a team of journalists, possibly trying to expose what’s going on…. “they shoot journalists on site at the Capitol.”

This movie in combination with Obama’s film “Leave the World Behind”, is not a coincidence…

Is this a BIG RED PILL?

Or are they trying to instill fear into the hearts and minds of people?

I don’t know…. But it appears Americans are being prepped for something very BIG.

I will not be afraid. Neither should you.
Jul 1, 2023


A new Film Coming to America in the Spring of 2024. Here are my takeaways and thoughts.

19 States appears to have seceded from the Union and are called the “Western Forces” (California & Texas) as well as the “Florida Alliance”. They appear to be in a war against the US government.

“The western forces will reach the White House on July 4.”

The US military appears to be activated and fighting against Americans, to the point of dropping air strikes on American citizens.

At the 0:08 second mark “The THREE TERM PRESIDENT…..”

At the 0:41 second mark, there is a Map in the reflection, which appears to depict the factions represented by Blue & Red colors.

At the 0:51 second mark, there is a sign on the building that says, “Jesus Saves”

The story appears to follow a team of journalists, possibly trying to expose what’s going on…. “they shoot journalists on site at the Capitol.”

This movie in combination with Obama’s film “Leave the World Behind”, is not a coincidence…

Is this a BIG RED PILL?

Or are they trying to instill fear into the hearts and minds of people?

I don’t know…. But it appears Americans are being prepped for something very BIG.

I will not be afraid. Neither should you.

Air strikes on rebels would be BOMB!

Slava America!


Dec 10, 2020
Herbstreit does himself no favors on Twitter.

Yea. I mean... I don't think FSU a was top 4 team, but their fans have every right to be pissed. Every one of us would be pissed if we were in that spot. Of all the people acting outraged in this scenario... FSU and UGA fans are the only ones with a dog in the fight... LOL.

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