Designated Red Dots on your mailbox for the most part signifies you were/are marked.
From Military:
For background, my Ft Bragg unit trained more than 1,000 Military units (up to the Corps level)(1976-78
(100,000 troops) in “tactical & strategic Intelligence” using Command Post Exercises and platform instruction.
Prior to that, I managed the eradication of the communist insurgency in NE Thailand, and later created a SW program to fight other insurgencies - but shelved it for fear it might be used against Americans.
I was also J2/C2 for NATO Able Archer Exercises (1976, 1983).
That said, I’m an “expert” on these exercises and “counter-insurgency”.
When Jade Helm Field Training Exercise (FTX) was deployed by Obama across the Conservative Southwest,
I recognized all the components of my program being employed,
so I presumed my programmer
(whom I had fired)
made a career in a Defense Contracting firm based on my SW program
(my Chief Researcher {Carole Bird} was later murdered in her garage)
Jade Helm directors used my “TerrorRx” Software program and training manual to specifically collect “intelligence” on Conservatives in the SW as if they were Insurgents/Terrorists, and recruited naive Role players for “practice” interrogations to determine how they would react under hostile conditions.
Each phase of Jade Helm matched the stages of my software program.
In that period, I became vocal on social media, outing the strategy and sending warnings to Conservative politicians and a select few senior Military officers) that this exercise was the prelude to mass arrests and the imposition of a Police State by Obama, or his presumptive successor, Hillary.
Lots of folks (and Media) joined the outrage and contributed reports and videos of these operations - and Jade Helm concluded abruptly.
The exercise was Stage 1, to be followed by Stage 2, an actual operation to arrest Conservatives using all the Intelligence gathered in the exercise!
Trump’s election destroyed that Obama/Hillary/Soros scheme.
Once this operation would have kicked off alot of people you confide in as heroes of this "Patriot Movement" would have gone offline never to be heard from again. Didn't Alex Jones tell Tucker Carlson this? A. Jones was put in place to usurp the audience William Cooper was building. Did you all know when A. Jones allegedly exposed Bohemian Grove that he was on the guest list with an invite and reserved parking? You thought he hopped the fence with a camera crew?

You all do not even know you were being tagged for years. You were being set up to follow Alex Jones so the Cabal knew who to prioritize 1st once they implemented Martial Law and using illegal immigrants and UN Troops to target everyone who had markers on their mailbox. And you walking around calling these people heroes? How many movies have you seen where the one who told you the truth was the one setting you up for your downfall? This is what makes many of you so easy to please once you latch onto some big personality that supposedly spilling all these secrets but somehow happened to be skipped on Hillary Clinton hitlist.