So… about that Washington Post Article.
The left has gone into FULL PANIC MODE over the return of Donald J. Trump to the White House.
Let’s be clear about something:
Spying on your political opponent (Trump), making false accusations against him (Trump), weaponizing our justice system against him (Trump), and enlisting the leviathan of the censorship state and corporate media against him (Trump), is the true work of a dictatorship.
Trump isn’t a dictator, he’s actually the greatest threat to a cabal which threatens the existence of our Republic and has perverted the Constitution in ways our Founders could have never dreamed. When the DNC forced all primary challengers to back Biden, they were in fact building their Trojan horse.
Unfortunately for them, the Trojan horse became a LAME DUCK.
Biden’s pathway to a second term is closing, Trump is leading in nearly every national and battle ground poll. So in a last ditch effort to stop Trump, they hope their coordinated attacks will scare independents.
IT WON’T. Trump is as inevitable as the American Spirit Fire.
His Presidency spells the end of dictators in America, NOT the beginning.