Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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And what's left will have much lower rents due to supply and demand

For those abandoned or not financially feasible to operate a bid will have to be low enough to repurpose them as housing units or perhaps wine storage for @tgsio

Add this to the cost of the Plandemic

NY is doing a toll from 6am to 9pm. $15 for cars and $37 for semi's. That should help their economy.
Following some people that know this stuff believe "they" will be able to lock Trump up over the whole .... Chutkan is the judge overseeing Trump's criminal trial over his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, culminating in the events leading up to the January 6 Capitol attack.

America won’t “burn” if Trump is convicted.

Maybe a few retards plant bombs and shoot some places up but 99% of people won’t do shit because they are soft, know it would be wrong, and that he is guilty.
That blonde has tunnel vision so bad. Just like so many of her peers.

Totally believable by their actions. We know the Chinese got the files on 15 million current and former government workers. My guess is lots of countries are blackmailing lots of government and business officials.

They dumped every little snippet of lots of DNA into the shot along with lots of impurities. Most troubling is the SV40 cancer causing virus DNA. A very close relative just had cancer surgery for tumors not present 6 months ago. Nothing then 6 months later major cancer. Yes, the person was jabbed.
Remember bud...that isn't just any blonde. Her husband is Jeremy Bash..former chief of staff at CIA and one of the 51 intel officers that said laptop was Russian disnfo
The U.S. economy created 199,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate fell to 3.7 percent, according to data released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics

The percentage of Americans who are unemployed has been below 4 percent for two years, a sign that the labor market remains unusually favorable for workers, giving them leverage to demand raises and switch into better jobs. Layoffs also remained low in October, according to the Labor Department’s job openings survey released Tuesday, despite some concentrated pockets of job losses in finance, tech and media.

The good news for workers is that even as wage growth has moderated since earlier this year, rising by 4.1 percent over the previous 12 months in October, inflation has slowed more, meaning average hourly earnings are beating price increases, boosting Americans’ spending power.

“This is encouraging for central bankers and the people getting real wage gains,” Bunker said. “It’s helping people spend more which is good for GDP growth and for everyone. It’s a win-win for a variety of audiences."

More people working multiple jobs than ever...more adults living at home with parents than ever and everything costs +20% more than during 45s tenure. But...hey....Bidenomics is awesomw
More people working multiple jobs than ever...more adults living at home with parents than ever and everything costs +20% more than during 45s tenure. But...hey....Bidenomics is awesomw
Costs of goods & housing being up is called capitalism. Do you have a problem with capitalism?

People are working more jobs because America is competitive. We don’t have time for inefficiency given that we are a capitalist country.
False again asshole.
Wrong again asshole.

USAID OIG is committed to ensuring comprehensive, independent oversight of USAID’s support of Ukraine and its people in response to Russia’s invasion. Our oversight work, through Audits and Investigations, will identify key areas where USAID programming is at risk or can be improved while holding those who corrupt or abuse these critical programs accountable.

"Conspiracy Theories" proven true:

-Operation Mockingbird.
-NSA surveillance program via the Patriot Act.
-COVID-19 was created in China, with the help of United States funding.
-Masks don't work.
-Ukraine has biological labs.
-They are turning frogs gay.
-Hunter Biden's laptop was real and belonged to him.
-Joe Biden was receiving payments from foreign countries in a "pay for play" scheme.
-Bill Gates buying up farmland.
-The WEF wanting people eat bugs.
-JFK was murdered by the government.
-U.S. and U.K. military contractors conducting psychological operations and disinformation tactics against the American people.
-Abortion is a satanic ritual.
-Vaccine/carbon passports.
-Great Replacement Theory.
-Russiagate was a hoax.

Wait until they prove the 2020 was in fact, stolen.

"Conspiracy Theories" proven true:

-Operation Mockingbird.
-NSA surveillance program via the Patriot Act.
-COVID-19 was created in China, with the help of United States funding.
-Masks don't work.
-Ukraine has biological labs.
-They are turning frogs gay.
-Hunter Biden's laptop was real and belonged to him.
-Joe Biden was receiving payments from foreign countries in a "pay for play" scheme.
-Bill Gates buying up farmland.
-The WEF wanting people eat bugs.
-JFK was murdered by the government.
-U.S. and U.K. military contractors conducting psychological operations and disinformation tactics against the American people.
-Abortion is a satanic ritual.
-Vaccine/carbon passports.
-Great Replacement Theory.
-Russiagate was a hoax.

Wait until they prove the 2020 was in fact, stolen.

Except that most of these have been proven false…
This guy is 80 years old and has seen a thing or two…

updates on the insane world of money and power​

When There Is No Shame

There's always that guy down the block telling you we are totally under elite control—
we are playing right into their hands. With him, you are talking to someone with low self
worth—who has little experience of winning in life. He may pay lip-service to the Bill of
Rights while reminding you that it is now merely words on paper. He's telling you that
he won't be there for you when they come for your inalienable rights—and for you.

When he says that Davos/WEF, this late in the game, is too entrenched to do any-
thing about, ask him if the elite masterplan for 'pandemic response' included the
present backlash where sovereign nations are electing presidents with a platform to
call out 'vaccine' makers and regulators as a 'ruse of lies' that they intend to take apart
by going after Pfizer/Moderna with criminal charges and well-deserved bankruptcies.

Nations such as Estonia have elected leaders who cannot be categorized as nation-
alists. Instead, they require the return of their nation's 'sovereign' national interests.

Australia and New Zealand, where SARS 2 response was the most draconian, have
driven out the autocrats and elected new leaders who demand answers as to why
masks, lockdowns, coercive injections, devoid of science—were forced upon citizens.

Another lie perpetuates 'vaccine response', done in support of poorest nations—
nothing but 'misinformation'. The African Continent, with the lowest vaccinated per-
centage, fared-better than the '1st world'—both in severe infections and death rates.
Closer to home, Haiti, a land of poverty and disease, did better than the United States.

This week there is medical policing news that defies both logic and justice. One doc-
tor, with a dozen clinics, having treated 11,000 covid patients (of whom he lost none),
was sued by the federal government for more than $500B—half a trillion—Biden num-
bers. What was his crime? Prescribing for his patients, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C.

That was it. Half a trillion in damages. After 3 years in court, the judge told the Feds
they would not win the case—given videos of Fauci recommending the same vitamins,
and DOD covid guidelines recommending patients maintain adequate levels of zinc, C
and D. But no worries: the Fed's plan is more scurrilous than simply winning lawsuits.

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