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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021



Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

Sane Take on Elon’s Visit to Israel

He makes three points we should all be able to agree with:

-Those who want to murder civilians must be neutralized
-We must stop teaching hate to younger generations
-Try to build prosperity

You’ll notice the ambiguity in his delivery, as not to direct it specifically at one side. The pro-Israeli crowd have taken this statement and used it to fuel their narrative, however, I think he is talking about both sides.

I think Elon will visit Gaza at some point as well, but chose to visit Israel first for optics reasons. To both combat the ludicrous claims of “anti-semitism”, and because it would be easier for the American public to accept, given most of them lean more pro-Israel than pro-Palestine.

Now if Elon were to visit Gaza, he would be doing so having already visited Israel, so the MSM cannot claim a visit to Gaza to be anti-semitic. It would be in the interest of fairness and diplomacy.

Elon has proven himself to be fair and objective. He is willing to meet with people he does not agree with, such as meeting with Senator Schumer to talk about AI regulation. He understands diplomacy requires hearing all sides of the argument, which is why I don’t think this story ends with just this one visit to Israel, and this visit does not mean he is now pro-Israel.

Elon is pro-humanity, and is working towards prosperity of all innocent people on both sides, and I think we should all be able to agree with that. Lets not jump to conclusions just yet, and let the situation unfold before we declare the sky has fallen.


Mar 24, 2023
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