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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021

All Assets Deployed:

Hollywood runs on Blackmail & Bribes. So if they asked him to run there's already an insurance policy in place to ensure he doesn't step out of bounds. Remember who his "friends" are.

Oprah Winfrey 🚩

Arnold Schwarzenegger 🚩

Barrack Obama 🚩

Maxine Waters 🚩

The Deep State is desperate for the appeal that will be needed to run against Donald Trump.

(Michelle Obama & Dwayne Johnson)

All of these people are under Israeli Governance.
Jul 1, 2023
Ukraine is open to the possibility of attacking Russia’s oil and gas infrastructure if Moscow ramps up its targeting of Ukraine’s electric system this winter, Ukraine Energy Minister German Galushchenko said in an interview.

Galushchenko, speaking with POLITICO in Washington, D.C., after meeting with Biden administration officials and lawmakers, said Russia has regularly perpetrated cyberattacks against Ukraine’s electric grid and is expected to ramp up physical attacks as temperatures fall and people depend more on energy to heat their homes.

His comments came after Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said last month Ukraine, which has launched multiple attacks against Russian targets, would “respond” if Russia stepped up attacks on his country’s power grid this winter. This could open the door to the possibility that the European conflict could add more turmoil to global energy markets.

When asked if Zelenskyy's “response” could include Ukraine targeting Russia’s vast oil and gas operations — by far the biggest driver of its economy — Galushchenko replied, “It would only be fair.”

“When answering [Russia’s attack], we would answer by taking the same approach, attacking their energy infrastructure,” Galushchenko said.

Galushchenko stressed he was not a member of the Ukraine military and did not discuss the possible targeting of Russian energy operations with U.S. government officials. He is a member of the Ukraine national security and defense council.



Mar 24, 2023


Mar 24, 2023

All Assets Deployed:

Hollywood runs on Blackmail & Bribes. So if they asked him to run there's already an insurance policy in place to ensure he doesn't step out of bounds. Remember who his "friends" are.

Oprah Winfrey 🚩

Arnold Schwarzenegger 🚩

Barrack Obama 🚩

Maxine Waters 🚩

The Deep State is desperate for the appeal that will be needed to run against Donald Trump.

(Michelle Obama & Dwayne Johnson)

All of these people are under Israeli Governance.

They want you to follow the Stars... (or words to that) Q

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