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Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads


Jan 9, 2021
Slava America! Slava Israeli!

Why do you keep mixing Ukraine and Israel. Israel is a long term US ally. They are our definite ally.

We have no history with Ukraine. They are not an ally. We should be telling those eastern Europeans and their bloodlands to kick rocks.
Jul 1, 2023
Why do you keep mixing Ukraine and Israel. Israel is a long term US ally. They are our definite ally.

We have no history with Ukraine. They are not an ally. We should be telling those eastern Europeans and their bloodlands to kick rocks.
Tell me you don’t understand what’s in America’s best geopolitical interests without telling me you don’t understand what’s in America’s best geopolitical interests.

Hamas are butchers and should be destroyed but they are no real threat to America like Russia is. Russia would kill every American if they could just like Hamas. We MUST eliminate both.


Jan 9, 2021
Why do you keep mixing Ukraine and Israel. Israel is a long term US ally. They are our definite ally.

We have no history with Ukraine. They are not an ally. We should be telling those eastern Europeans and their bloodlands to kick rocks.
I dont believe Israel is all that as an ally personally. Don’t trust them at all. But what do I know. I agree that Ukraine should suck it and we should not ever or never give them a penny, ever. No countries do anything for the benefit of our people. When was the last time a rich country sent funds to help our homeless/needy? Our own government fights doing that.


Jan 9, 2021
Tell me you don’t understand what’s in America’s best geopolitical interests without telling me you don’t understand what’s in America’s best geopolitical interests.

Hamas are butchers and should be destroyed but they are no real threat to America like Russia is. Russia would kill every American if they could just like Hamas. We MUST eliminate both.
Here is what we should be doing.

  1. Invade western Ukraine by surprise.
  2. Link up with the Russians on the Dneiper River as we did on the Elbe in WWII.
  3. Hand over Zelensky to the Russians for trial in Moscow.
  4. Turn southwest and march as one column to retake Constantinople.
  5. Issue warning to China that the games they have been playing are over.
  6. Build US military bases in southern Russia along Chinese border.
Last edited:
Jul 1, 2023
Here is what we should be doing.

  1. Invade western Ukraine by surprise.
  2. Link up with the Russians on the Dneiper River as we did on the Elbe in WWII.
  3. Hand over Zelensky to the Russians.
  4. Turn southwest and march as one column to retake Constantinople.
  5. Issue warning to China that the games they have been playing are over.
  6. Build US military bases in southern Russia along Chinese border.
If you don’t want to be serious about this that’s your business but some people are doing what is necessary to secure America’s dominance on this planet and in space.

If the Russians and the Chinese want to kill each other we shouldn’t get in their way and certainly not with US boots (not that Russia would ever allow us to build bases there anyways).


Jan 9, 2021
Here is what we should be doing.

  1. Invade western Ukraine by surprise.
  2. Link up with the Russians on the Dneiper River as we did on the Elbe in WWII.
  3. Hand over Zelensky to the Russians for trial in Moscow.
  4. Turn southwest and march as one column to retake Constantinople.
  5. Issue warning to China that the games they have been playing are over.
  6. Build US military bases in southern Russia along Chinese border.



Dec 1, 2020



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