Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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They don't teach this in school...

The People Who Rule The World Can’t Handle It When The Truth Slips Through, They Can’t Risk Everyone Waking Up & Losing Control“The Truth”

“Every time a new baby is born, the Federal Reserve issues a secret birth certificate printed by a company called the American Bank. That way, the government can use people as currency to back the debt they have with the World Economic Forum, which owns the central banks of every nation on Earth.

But the WEF is just a front for the Council on Foreign Relations, which masterminded the 9-11 attacks as a pretext to invade Iraq, take the oil, and install fast food chains to make people slow, fattened, easily abductable by the shape-shifting reptilian aliens it works with. Now, back in the 30s, FDR made a deal with these reptilians to exchange people for technology. That was the basis of the new deal. But ever since, they've been slowly replacing all the world leaders to create a nuclear holocaust to make global warming real for their takeover.

That's how they made up the Cold War by sending Lyca to space to bite Neil Armstrong while Kubrick was faking the moon landing. Now they're using satellite waves, contrails, and measles vaccines as mind control and fluoridating the water to keep people's gold fillings intact so they can be sent back to, you guessed it, the Federal Reserve, where all the gold and birth certificates are stored by the real puppet master, the world monarch, who is himself only the servant of the all-seeing eye who controls everything in the world.”

We are the news now.

Lebanon was the only Christian-majority nation in the Middle East.It's where I was born.

We prided ourselves on inclusivity. Always welcoming Arab Muslim refugees from all over the Middle East.

We had the best economy despite having no natural oil. The best universities.

They called Beirut the "Paris of the Middle East" and the Mountains of Lebanon was a tourist destination.

My early childhood was idyllic, my father was a prosperous businessman in town and my mother was at home with me, an only child.

Slowly, the Arab Muslims began to become the majority in Lebanon and our rights began to wither away.

Soon, we would find ourselves unable to leave our small Christian town without fear of being stopped and killed by Arabs. In Lebanon your religion is on your government issued ID.

As the war intensified and the radical Islamists made their way south, my home was hit by an errant rocket and my life was forever changed.

We spent the next almost decade in a bomb shelter, scraping together pennies and eating dandelions and roots just to survive.

If it was not for Israel coming in and surrounding our town, I do not know If I would be here today.

Lebanon is now a country 100% controlled and run by Hezbollah. I lost my country of birth.

I thank God every single day I was able to immigrate to America and live out the dream that BILLIONS of people only dream of having.

Now here in America, my adopted country that I have come to love so much, I see the same threats and warning signs happening now that took place in Lebanon when I was a child.

This is my warning to you, America, reverse course now while you still can.

It's not too late to save our freedom and preserve it for the next generation.

7:34 PM · Oct 11, 2023
And just like that @Goldhedge looks like more of a retard than normal which is pretty hard to do.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office Thursday released “horrifying photos of babies murdered and burned by the Hamas monsters.”

“Hamas is inhuman. Hamas is ISIS,” a social media post from Netanyahu’s office said.

The three photos showed two babies whose bodies had been burned beyond recognition and a third blood-stained infant’s body.

It’s become quite clear to me that you are an uneducated, blue-collar worker with enough intelligence to larp as a philosopher online.

Congrats on being born with a few brain cells, but too bad you never achieved anything in real life. At this point I just feel sorry for you.

At least @LafesterMacintosh can be funny sometimes

Anywoo, LACs have a good day and I won’t engage with this failure-at-life any further.

Give me an 😂 emoji if you agree
It’s become quite clear to me that you are an uneducated, blue-collar worker with enough intelligence to larp as a philosopher online.

Congrats on being born with a few brain cells, but too bad you never achieved anything in real life. At this point I just feel sorry for you.

At least @LafesterMacintosh can be funny sometimes

Anywoo, LACs have a good day and I won’t engage with this failure-at-life any further.

Give me an 😂 emoji if you agree
Why the fuck are you getting the vax this late in the game?



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