After consulting with his lawyers they advised/decided it was best to present it in his upcoming trial.I thought Trump was giving a speech today about the corruption in the elections.. am I wrong about the date?
WATCH: Biden Just Got Completely Humiliated in Hawaii By Angry Locals
President Biden cut his second week-long vacation of the month short this week in order to visit the fire-devastated island of Maui. Biden's visit comes
This isn't surprising. He's said he wasn't political at all until a few years ago. He tried to just get along with everyone until esg stuff threatened his business and he started to look into it.
Bidenomics is fucking us in America, in Afghanistan, in Ukraine, and every other fucking place.
"No" what?
Bidenomics is fucking us in America, in Afghanistan, in Ukraine, and every other fucking place.
No to what you propose, Because it is just another form of a Social Scoring System."No" what?
No to what you propose, Because it is just another form of a Social Scoring System.