Glen interviewing a guy that knew the utah man assassinated by the fbi. They left the body laying outside for hours.
I’m telling you- Dems/Commies will celebrate this. They did when an unarmed woman was executed at the Capitol.
Glen interviewing a guy that knew the utah man assassinated by the fbi. They left the body laying outside for hours.
And smellyShe just looks evil.
SC must be someone outside the employment of the Government can't be someone who works for Garland who works for Joe whose son is being investigated.Like I'm 5!
A combination of boiled cabbage, urine, and, farts.And smelly
Move along, nothing to see here
A combination of boiled cabbage, urine, and, farts.
Probably with a hint of sulfur also.
The emperor has no clothes but Rome isn’t burning. If anything “Rome” is continuing its accent towards its Manifest Destiny.When you think of devolution and that he isn’t really in charge, which he himself has alluded to. It makes sense he’d be chilling on the beach eating ice cream more often than not. If he ain’t actually running the show, all he has to do is pretend to be losing it, and let the others fuck themselves. Maybe he cut a deal to save Hunters and the rest of his families ass and he’s playing his part to the T.
Or maybe Rome is burning and the Emperor has no clothes. View attachment 193272
This is a wonderful article. Duda is the man! Slava America!
“It is very simple,” Polish President Andrzej Duda told me last week. “Right now, Russian imperialism can be stopped cheaply, because American soldiers are not dying.” But if we don’t put a halt to Russian aggression now, “there will be a very high price to be paid.”
And if that means he can’t say exactly what he wants to say in a political speech, that is just how its going to have to be.”Just another Fascist who wants to stop you re-electing him.
What is “the right thing” in your opinion?The SCOTUS could step in when asked. I think we all know that Thomas and Alito will almost certainly do the right thing. Does everyone have the confidence that Trump's picks will?
From 12k pages ago.