Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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As Biden and his lengthy history of corruption (he is a racist POS too) gain steam, Smith and his hacks will pump out indictment after indictment. Only one of those situations is going to get peoples attention though....and nobody gives a crap about them going after Trump. They've been doing it for 6/7 years straight. Kinda lost its luster even for the moderate democrats out there.
That he is never seen sniffing black children, proves it.
Yeah, that is another layer to it for sure. He has said a lot of bad things in the past. Not surprisingly the limp republicans do nothing with the stuff right in front of them. Instead they worry about their morals and crap like that. The time to worry about that has long been gone. They need to really fight back. The current group and leadership in DC won't ever do that though.
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