Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I am disappointed that we did not get to see the dude tuned up with the night stick on the side of the road. A little attitude adjustment would have done him a world of good.

I also love to see a jerk get tased. Nothing beats a good tasin!!!
Riding through Florida as a kid we passed a man at the outside rear of a police car and they were going to work on him with blackjacks.
I have been up to 70 hours so far. I have mostly been doing alternate day plus some 60 hours.

What was your salt routine in those 14 days?


Ive got a chiro buddy that tells me i should be but i never have and typically feel great

Went 30 days on a raw juice fast , kale, spinach, cucumber, celery....

Joint pain way down, energy up. Assume there was a small amt of sodium in there

The Devolution Series

Welcome to Patel Patriot’s Devolution Series by me, Patel Patriot. Doing my best to show you how Donald Trump used Devolution to defeat the election theft.

An Introduction to Devolution


This Introduction to Devolution article is an introduction and overview to the entire concept of the devolution theory. I won’t be going into the specific details like I do throughout the rest of the series, but you should walk away from this article with an understanding that devolution is real, and that it is not only possible, but likely, that Trump put a Continuity of Government (COG) plan in motion before walking away from office. I am not guaranteeing anything. This is a theory based on countless hours of research, but it’s still just a theory… for now.


Welcome to Devolution.

Sure wish it felt defeated
Okay - a little about my last ten days:
Last Sunday (July 2) I noticed that the visual field in one eye was different.
A partner in the our building is an optometrist, who met me late that afternoon to have a look. As he was looking, I noticed multiple deep sighs. He told me I had somehow sustained a retinal detachment...
Long story short - in less than 24 hours (on the holiday weekend) I had been examined by an ophthalmologist and admitted for emergency surgery.
He literally punctured my eyeball and sucked out the goo (vitreous) and lasered my retina back in place. He then filled the eye with sulfur hexafluoride gas to hold everything in place. I left with my eye patched.
I saw hin the next day (July 4) and he took the patch off to reveal that I couldn't see a stinkin' thing from that eye. He assured me that was normal and that it would take up to 2 weeks for it to resorb and be replaced by aqueous material that would not tend to pull the retina away again.
As of today (day 8 after surgery) the bubble is about half gone and a have the upper half of my visual field back. I'm optimistic at this point that things will continue to improve.
BTW - this is my extremely dominant eye.

TLDR: just thought I'd vent about what it's like becoming an oulde.... 🤯
Not as exciting as @tgsio stories, and I don't share a lot of personal stuff here, but thought maybe someone here had been through something similar.
Praying for a speedy recovery my friend1689205342136.png
Hey Jake Cum Stain

Why Do You Support Corrupt a Corrupt Country Helping Traitors in Our Government Circumvent Both Federal Law and The Constitution?

Yesterday a House Committee — Republican-led, but still — released a series of documents showing without a doubt that the FBI has been forwarding thousands of content moderation “requests” to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube on behalf of the SBU, Ukraine’s Security Agency.

The documents not only contain incontrovertible evidence that our own FBI pressures tech companies to censor material, but that the Bureau is outsourcing such work to a foreign government, in this case Ukraine. This passage below for instance reads “The SBU requested for your review and if appropriate deletion/suspension of these accounts.”


There can’t possibly be controversy at this point as to whether or not this censorship program is going on. Whether it’s the FBI forwarding the SBU asking for the removal of Aaron Maté, or the Global Engagement Center recommending action on the Canadian site GlobalResearch.Ca, or the White House demanding the takedown of figures like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the same types of behavior have now been captured over and over.

In light of this, I have to ask: where are the rest of the “card-carrying” liberals from the seventies, eighties, and nineties — people like me, who always reflexively opposed restrictions on speech?

Is your argument that private companies can do what they want? Then why did you think otherwise in 1985, when Tipper Gore’s Parents Music Resource Center suggested record companies “voluntarily” label as dirty songs like “Darling Nikki,” and call them McCarthyites when they compiled a list of the “Filthy Fifteen” albums? Does that not sound suspiciously like the “Disinformation Dozen”? Why were you on Frank Zappa’s side then, but with blacklisters now?

Do you now think it’s not really censorship if the FBI merely makes its opinion known about content, and doesn’t order takedowns? Did you think the same when the FBI sent a letter to Priority Records complaining about NWA’s “Fuck the Police”? Did you agree then with the ACLU, whose Southern California chairman responded to the FBI’s letter by saying, “It is completely inappropriate for any government agency to try to influence what artists do. It is completely against the American traditions of free speech”?

Is your belief that new forms of speech constitute “harm” and “offense” to such a degree that censorship is warranted? If so, why did you once support Andres Serrano and his work Piss Christ, which Catholics insisted was an intolerable offense, and call it censorship when opponents like Al D’Amato and Jesse Helms tried to pull funding for Serrano from the National Endowment of the Arts? Wasn’t the Hustler magazine spread suggesting Jerry Falwell had sex with his mother in an outhouse offensive? Didn’t you go to The People Versus Larry Flynt anyway?

If you’re okay with the FBI collaborating on censorship with the SBU now, why oppose the original PATRIOT Act, suggesting you didn’t even want the government looking at library records in search of Islamic terrorists? Why did you support the Dixie Chicks when they were blackballed for antiwar views after the Iraq invasion? Did you cheer them when you watched Shut Up and Sing?

Weren’t those national security issues, too? That wasn’t even that long ago. Is Vladimir Putin that much more of a menace than Al-Qaeda to justify the change in heart?

The change in thinking of traditional American liberals is the only part of this censorship picture that still doesn’t quite compute for me. I’d like to hear from anyone who has an explanation, a personal testimonial, anything. Comments are open to everyone here.

As a Traitor You Must Be Hung

@MortgageHorn you should invite @PaulHook_em from Twitter. He was in Orangebloods as EricG (or close). He is very conservative and either was banned or left on his own. He was the talented gif creator if you remember.

I don’t have a Twitter account.

Reading my mind!

You must have seen the thread on OB

Eric is a personal friend of mine.

And we both hate Ketch

I thought it was funny how all the liberal pussies on OB were appalled at his Twitter posts since they are conservative and America First!
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