Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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You’re not as stupid as I thought
You are a fucking idiot.

Thanks for playing!
The "smart" OnlyTrump cultists are so self-assured in their positions that even the thought of a bit of logical scrutiny is offensive to them.

That's why it is not just OK for you to resort to ad hominems, it's a ritual expected of you by your faith.

Mayor Pete Buttplug sends out an internal email on Friday.

“Also in the news have been a number of decisions by the Supreme Court. And I know that many around the country and in the Department are asking what this means for them. So, I want to make sure, regardless of your background or your political orientation, that you hear from me our Administration’s commitment, and my commitment, to the values of fairness and equity in our work and in our workplace. And I want you to know that we are always going to continue to do everything that we can, within the law, to make sure that everyone is equitably served by this Department. And that our Department itself and the transportation sector continue to move in the direction of fully reflecting the wonderfully diverse American public that we serve. It’s important, and we're going to keep up that work.”

So he thinks that the decisions handed down by SCOTUS are not fair and equitable?
Sorry man. I just learned that I’m getting a new hip in a few weeks. Getting old sucks.

I know two people who have gone through this in the past 2 months. Both are doing great now. I was visiting with my female client in her office the other day. She got up from her chair and hiked her dress up past her hip to show me her scar. Nice red thong, too.

Good luck.
20 or so years ago, Dallas banned paper bags claiming they were clogging the landfills. They replaced them with plastic bags. Termites love paper bags and don't like plastic. The termites were giving off methane which many landfills reclaim to run their operations and then sell the extra to the gas company.

3 years ago, Dallas tried charging for plastic bags but would give paper bags for free. There was such an uproar that the plastic bag edict was rescinded. Should have left it at paper bags in the first place.


Nothing more to say. She's definitely a free spirit woman. 50ish. Married with 2 kids and owns a construction company. I do all their pest control and have for 25 years. She and I were at one of her clients' houses recently. We needed to get into the back yard but the gate was locked. Next thing I saw was this 50ish woman climbing on top of a trash can. Up and over the 6 foot wooded fence she went to unlock the gate.
Nothing more to say. She's definitely a free spirit woman. 50ish. Married with 2 kids and owns a construction company. I do all their pest control and have for 25 years. She and I were at one of her clients' houses recently. We needed to get into the back yard but the gate was locked. Next thing I saw was this 50ish woman climbing on top of a trash can. Up and over the 6 foot wooded fence she went to unlock the gate.
Impris, slightly odd you call yourself a trash can, but I like the imagery!

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