Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Its so transparent is hilarious. And then they start another trial in Jan and another in June.... Dare people to vote for him.

I swear. I'm at the point that if they keep him from running I'm going to vote RFK jr. I don't agree with most of his postions but the deep state needs taken down and the 2 people the deep state really seem afraid of are Trump and RFKjr.

The enemy of my enemy is a friend
It's wild that people shit on Russia for not steam rolling Ukr off the bat but forget that we had to do a SURGE in Iraq because we just didn't have the numbers to complete the job. Doesn't mean Iraq was better it just means that they had millions of people and were on home field so 40,000 men weren't going to cut it no matter how good they were.... unless we used nukes.

“Derrrr but what were their AK47’s gonna do against F16’s and Abrams tanks derrrr”

^^that's the ticket^^

^^what's that, about a third of their forces?^^


Guess what drug is used to treat malaria? Guess what drug was banned/restricted from being used for Wuhan Charlie? If you said Hydroxychloroquine, you get 5 Brownie Points. Guess what drug will be disallowed for use on malaria? Count on an mRNA vaccine coming out soon.
Texas cities, San Antonio and Austin, are considering offering public money for universal income to curtail poverty. It's a colossal failure where it has been tried, yet they still go down that road. Unfortunately, for them, that is against the Texas Constitution. Won't stop them and some loony judge will allow it.
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It would be difficult to inject "THE MESSAGE" into Yellowstone, given its audience. That's why they didn't want it.
This post right here is why I know you are lost in regards of Trump. Tells me Im right. Your messages all have this theme or tone. whatever it is.

You honestly posted a message explaining why you think this happened? Like you have some deep ability to understand this. Its common sense. Same Crap with the Trump message. No Fn Duh, knuckleheads. No Fn duh. Lol
I had all the vaccines as a child with no issues other than sore arms. Apparently, they changed the formula or included other stuff in them which caused the proliferation of autism.
Could be. Or also it could be one or more of the dozens of vaccines that have been added to the schedule since we were kids. Or it could be entirely a coincidence and there could be some other environmental factor that has a causal relationship.

Problem is public health will run interference to block any sort of honest investigation into the matter, because they fear uncomfortable truths might be discovered. Thus we are left to speculate and draw conclusions without good evidence.

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