Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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All you do is accuse people of things that do not exist. You tell others they worship Trump when you know its not true. Its a simple minded tactic. Everybody who supports him has explained why. Your reasoning for whatever issue you have is complete and pure conjecture and speculation. ITs a simple opinion youve formed. We dont buy your opinion. Weve all explained in great detail why we support the guy. Youve formed a round about opinion that Trump is deep state. Youve made up things that paint you a picture. To us its simply obnoxious. Its your made up opinion. For one he didnt develop the vaccine. He opened the doors soo the phara companies could. they already had it developed. what he did do that I care about is not mandate and force it on anybody. you trying to make 3+4=10 doesnt compute with rational thinking humans. Its your opinion of Trump and its wrong. I dont understand why its so tough for you. Trump is the same guy hes been for 40 years in the public eye. Nobody Worships him. His 2nd term would have been the death blow and they knew it. You projecting what you think should have happened in his first term after the fact is meaningless and silly. You have to be able to think through this. Its Bizarre
I don’t “trust the plan” but, had his 2nd term happened in 2020…

without the completely obvious stolen presidential election and then confirmed with Arizona’s debacle again in 2022.

Without the sideshow that is Joe Biden and his foreign policy and absolute tre@sonous actions.

Without the news medias credibility being obliterated like it has with the Twitter purchase.

Without the exposed two tier justice system.

We went from the best shit has been in the last 20 years to the worst it’s been in my lifetime.

When these fuckers steal the primary from RFK jr it will wake up some of these goofball brain dead liberals to what is going on.

Trump will have support to do things he would have been impeached for in 2020. It could be biblical if we can get him back in.
Still don’t know what people expect Republicans to do? They can hold hearings, produce evidence, expose it all publicly, and refer charges until they’re blue in the face but in the end there’s no backstop when the entities you’re going after are protected by the DOJ/FBI and/or are the DOJ/FBI.

And when no one continues to do anything about it year after year the public loses interest and/or doesn’t believe it.

Shutting the gov't down via the debt talks was the only leverage the republicans had. And McCarthy - Trump's chosen speaker of the house - wrapped that up like a Christmas present and handed it over to the globalists. With an even bigger debt increase than they'd asked for.
I've filed returns that had "Embezzlement income" and so forth in the description.

Every time I've had to file a return of that nature, it's been for someone who's already been caught. I'd think if you slipped in $5 million, someone is going to come knock on your door, whether or not it's the IRS.
All you do is accuse people of things that do not exist. You tell others they worship Trump when you know its not true. Its a simple minded tactic. Everybody who supports him has explained why. Your reasoning for whatever issue you have is complete and pure conjecture and speculation. ITs a simple opinion youve formed. We dont buy your opinion. Weve all explained in great detail why we support the guy. Youve formed a round about opinion that Trump is deep state. Youve made up things that paint you a picture. To us its simply obnoxious. Its your made up opinion. For one he didnt develop the vaccine. He opened the doors soo the phara companies could. they already had it developed. what he did do that I care about is not mandate and force it on anybody. you trying to make 3+4=10 doesnt compute with rational thinking humans. Its your opinion of Trump and its wrong. I dont understand why its so tough for you. Trump is the same guy hes been for 40 years in the public eye. Nobody Worships him. His 2nd term would have been the death blow and they knew it. You projecting what you think should have happened in his first term after the fact is meaningless and silly. You have to be able to think through this. Its Bizarre

Trump is the same guy for 40 years? Serial adulterer, big government supporter, in favor of massive tax, Hillary Clinton donor, ultra left on abortion? The guy who's claimed he's never asked anyone for forgiveness? You stand by that statement?

Look at the last few pages. If this isn't fanaticism, I don't know what is.

Ken Griffin has been offered as evidence that Ron Desantis has sold out to globalists. Griffin giving mega $$ to Trump in '16 and '20? That meant nothing. Over and over again, Maga worshipers criticize others for the sins that Trump has repeatedly committed. If they looked at the facts and were at least troubled, you might have a point. But they don't. They do what democrats do: accuse others of what they're doing (in Trump's case, has done repeatedly).

Same with Karl Rove the other day. A few posters make up the idea that Karl Rove is running Desantis' campaign, a notion for which there isn't a shred of evidence. But who has hired Karl Rove? Donald Trump, and in 2020, no less. That small set of facts somehow = Desantis is a rino handled by globalists, and Trump is maga. Sorry, these aren't conclusions that someone who isn't a fanatic can come to, no matter how you wish it were so. This is the reasoning you would expect from brainwashed college students or cultists somewhere in remote Alaska.

Donald Trump brought Larry Fink into the White House on more than one occasion. He was on Trump's economic advisory council. Trump consulted with him on covid. Yet what do we see repeatedly ITT? Fink is the devil, Trump is MAGA. If any other political figure was meeting with Fink, we'd see numerous posts about the significance of it. Instead, we'll pretend it never happened and waive maga flags.

We could type page after page of facts, beyond these few. Reasonable people could not excuse away Trump repeatedly doing what they accuse others of doing. They'd - at best - be extremely troubled by it, if not downright suspicious. You can say "opinion" til your mouth is dry. That doesn't change the facts one iota. The mass, self-induced amnesia of Trump supporters is the closest thing to a cult I've ever seen from any group of people who weren't avowed leftists.
I don’t “trust the plan” but, had his 2nd term happened in 2020…

without the completely obvious stolen presidential election and then confirmed with Arizona’s debacle again in 2022.

Without the sideshow that is Joe Biden and his foreign policy and absolute tre@sonous actions.

Without the news medias credibility being obliterated like it has with the Twitter purchase.

Without the exposed two tier justice system.

We went from the best shit has been in the last 20 years to the worst it’s been in my lifetime.

When these fuckers steal the primary from RFK jr it will wake up some of these goofball brain dead liberals to what is going on.

Trump will have support to do things he would have been impeached for in 2020. It could be biblical if we can get him back in.
Jimmy Dore had a guy on talk about how the dems have a way to screw RFKjr in the rules of the dnc.... they don't even have to do anything illegal this time.
I don’t “trust the plan” but, had his 2nd term happened in 2020…

without the completely obvious stolen presidential election and then confirmed with Arizona’s debacle again in 2022.

Without the sideshow that is Joe Biden and his foreign policy and absolute tre@sonous actions.

Without the news medias credibility being obliterated like it has with the Twitter purchase.

Without the exposed two tier justice system.

We went from the best shit has been in the last 20 years to the worst it’s been in my lifetime.

When these fuckers steal the primary from RFK jr it will wake up some of these goofball brain dead liberals to what is going on.

Trump will have support to do things he would have been impeached for in 2020. It could be biblical if we can get him back in.

It's not the brain dead liberals that need to wake up. They will do what they're told. It's the lazy, sleepy, all too comfortable folks that need to unite. I'm afraid the old saying, those who sacrifice freedom for safety will eventually have neither folks need a sack
Trump is the same guy for 40 years? Serial adulterer, big government supporter, in favor of massive tax, Hillary Clinton donor, ultra left on abortion? The guy who's claimed he's never asked anyone for forgiveness? You stand by that statement?

Look at the last few pages. If this isn't fanaticism, I don't know what is.

Ken Griffin has been offered as evidence that Ron Desantis has sold out to globalists. Griffin giving mega $$ to Trump in '16 and '20? That meant nothing. Over and over again, Maga worshipers criticize others for the sins that Trump has repeatedly committed. If they looked at the facts and were at least troubled, you might have a point. But they don't. They do what democrats do: accuse others of what they're doing (in Trump's case, has done repeatedly).

Same with Karl Rove the other day. A few posters make up the idea that Karl Rove is running Desantis' campaign, a notion for which there isn't a shred of evidence. But who has hired Karl Rove? Donald Trump, and in 2020, no less. That small set of facts somehow = Desantis is a rino handled by globalists, and Trump is maga. Sorry, these aren't conclusions that someone who isn't a fanatic can come to, no matter how you wish it were so. This is the reasoning you would expect from brainwashed college students or cultists somewhere in remote Alaska.

Donald Trump brought Larry Fink into the White House on more than one occasion. He was on Trump's economic advisory council. Trump consulted with him on covid. Yet what do we see repeatedly ITT? Fink is the devil, Trump is MAGA. If any other political figure was meeting with Fink, we'd see numerous posts about the significance of it. Instead, we'll pretend it never happened and waive maga flags.

We could type page after page of facts, beyond these few. Reasonable people could not excuse away Trump repeatedly doing what they accuse others of doing. They'd - at best - be extremely troubled by it, if not downright suspicious. You can say "opinion" til your mouth is dry. That doesn't change the facts one iota. The mass, self-induced amnesia of Trump supporters is the closest thing to a cult I've ever seen from any group of people who weren't avowed leftists.
I will say that I am a Trump cultist when you say you are a Never Trumper and that you will leave the country when he is elected.

Deal? If not you aren’t willing to stand behind anything you say and you therefore should just shut up
I will say that I am a Trump cultist when you say you are a Never Trumper and that you will leave the country when he is elected.

Deal? If not you aren’t willing to stand behind anything you say and you therefore should just shut up
You just took this to the dumbest place possible.
I don’t “trust the plan” but, had his 2nd term happened in 2020…

without the completely obvious stolen presidential election and then confirmed with Arizona’s debacle again in 2022.

Without the sideshow that is Joe Biden and his foreign policy and absolute tre@sonous actions.

Without the news medias credibility being obliterated like it has with the Twitter purchase.

Without the exposed two tier justice system.

We went from the best shit has been in the last 20 years to the worst it’s been in my lifetime.

When these fuckers steal the primary from RFK jr it will wake up some of these goofball brain dead liberals to what is going on.

Trump will have support to do things he would have been impeached for in 2020. It could be biblical if we can get him back in.
The DNC was caught red handed rigging the primary for HRC & what did Bernie & his supporters do?

Tow the line

Anyone still voting D at this point is unreachable without actual arrests

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