Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
CONCLUSION from an 8 hour space on the TITANIC SUB with experts and friends of the passengers:

1. Most likely scenario is that the hull of the submersible imploded due to the brittle carbon fibre material, killing all 5 passengers within milliseconds

2. The second scenario is that the sub experienced a mechanical failure, so they manually released their ballast tanks and floated up. In this scenario, they would currently be floating above water. Some points:

- This is unlikely as they should be spotted by now, even days ago, especially with all the equipment they have to be able to send out a signal.

- If this is the case, it is not good news as they only have about 1-2 hours of oxygen left, and they cannot open up the hatch from the inside, meaning if they are not found within 1-2 hours, they would suffocate despite being above water (assuming all passengers are alive, because if some died for whatever reason, then the oxygen may last longer).

3. The CEO of the company OceanGate, who is also the pilot, is a risk-taker that has cut corners, most likely to make more money by cutting costs. Multiple reports by ex-employees, the CEO himself in past interviews, and 3rd parties point to the company being frugal and cutting corners when it comes to safety, which the CEO did NOT take seriously.

This means the submersible was likely of low quality, which we can assume is what led to the implosion or the mechanical failure.

4. The last possible scenario, which is unlikely based on the facts we have, is that they are currently stuck at the Titanic wreckage or near it on the seabed. If that's the case, it would take hours to find them, and more hours to pull them out, which means they have almost zero chance of surviving.

This, while unlikely, is the MOST HARROWING scenario, as it means they've spent days in freezing temperature, and will likely end up freezing or suffocating to death. Remember, the victims include a father and a son, so I STRONGLY hope this is not the case, and thankfully facts point that it is very unlikely.

CONCLUSION: The company should be sued if the reports of lack of quality control and the apparent lies on their website are accurate. The passengers are likely dead and did NOT go through days of suffering.

I hope I'm wrong about everything and they are well and alive. Remember these are NOT my opinions, but those of a list of experts that joined our 8-hour Twitter space (link below in the comments). I've just summarized what I learned for your reference.

Side note, there is reportedly only 1.5 HOURS OF OXYGEN LEFT. I was going to continue covering the story for another 1.5 hours but unfortunately the space suddenly crashed, so apologies to everyone.
I saw where the pilot/owner didn't want a bunch of 50yo white men working for him. He wanted to inspire younger and different color people to explore.... Well I think that backfired on both.
Make no mistake: This isn’t about Hunter. This is about The Big Guy.

Attorney General Merrick Garland and his second-in-command Lisa Monaco, the power behind the throne at the DOJ who is almost certainly “handling” both the Biden and Trump investigations, don’t care about Hunter Biden’s legal travails. We all know that if his last name were anything else, and if his sources of income weren’t tied to the Biden family's international influence peddling, he’d be locked inside a prison cell right now.

Controlled Demolition​

Back in August of last year, when the magnitude of the pay-for-play scandal had finally reached the point where the media (reluctantly) had to cover it, we discussed Jonathan Turley’s column about “The art of scandal implosion.” Dispensing with the Hunter case, he said, would be like accomplishing the controlled demolition of a building without damaging any other structures.

He said this “takes precision and, most importantly, cooperation, to pull off. Specifically, this controlled demolition will require the perfect timing of the media, Democratic politicians, and, most importantly, the Justice Department.” He reminded us that this was “the same alliance that successfully killed the story before the election despite evidence of a multimillion-dollar influence peddling scheme by the Biden family. The media eagerly spread the false claim of 51 intelligence experts who declared that the laptop was likely ‘Russian disinformation.’ Twitter and social media companies imposed a news blackout before the election. Recently, GOP senators also accused the Justice Department of effectively spiking the investigation — displaying the same bias documented in the Russian collusion investigation.”

So almost a year ago, he predicted that the way to achieve the controlled demolition of the Biden case would be to trigger a smaller explosion, and that’s what this sentence on very narrow criminal charges was.

A Predictable Outcome​

We didn’t have to be law professors like Jonathan Turley to know this was coming. Amazing how predictable it was, isn’t it? That’s one convenient thing about this two-tiered “justice” system: once you’ve really got it in place, there’s hardly any need to bother with the process, as the outcome is pre-determined. We still have a lot of going-through-the-motions, but think of all the time and money we could save without the fuss of a Washington DC jury trial that’s just going to come out the way we all know, depending on the politics of the defendant. Just take the plea, knowing that the result will hinge on your last name and political affiliation. Go before the judge with the last name Biden, and you get a sweetheart deal that resolves your issues with no jail time.


NC Father Rescues Young Daughter from Intruder on Father’s Day​

By Will TannerJune 22, 2023

"The suspect then attempted to follow the other children into the home, shaking the door handle and attempting to enter. Fortunately, the father was ready to defend his hearth and home. Armed, he confronted the home invader and shot him dead. The incident occurred around 9 pm on Father’s Day. The shot suspect was 23 years old."

As they should.........

My son does the same.

When my wife and I are arguing I open the door but don’t look at her. It’s a respect issue. The marriage will be there after the argument is settled.

So me a man that doesn’t walk his dog or open his wife’s doors/help her on with coats/pull out her chair and I’ll take both from him!
No matter what, at the end of the day, . . .

NC Father Rescues Young Daughter from Intruder on Father’s Day​

By Will TannerJune 22, 2023

"The suspect then attempted to follow the other children into the home, shaking the door handle and attempting to enter. Fortunately, the father was ready to defend his hearth and home. Armed, he confronted the home invader and shot him dead. The incident occurred around 9 pm on Father’s Day. The shot suspect was 23 years old."

Too bad we can't place more than one emoticon. On one part it's sad this had to be done. On the other hand, this is a good thing.
Disney-owned ABC News profiles a child identifying as transgender at 3 years old: 'I'm a girl person'
Texas family says they're moving to keep 'Elsa' safe from anti-LGBTQ laws

ABC News, a company owned by Disney, published a sympathetic profile about parents in Texas who claim their child came out as transgendered at age 3.

"When she was 3, one day, she told me, ‘I'm a girl person,’ a parent told ABC News in a story published Sunday.

It was National Daughters Day "and she said, ‘Can I be your daughter?’ – which made me cry," the mother, who went by "Susan" for the story, told ABC News.

Was at an amusement park yesterday with my son. I noticed a lot, but one thing that struck me was how the parents of trans-kids used their kids to make their political statement. They had their kids wearing rainbows and pride shirts, while many of the adults, at least thos with kids, did not.

It was cowardice on full display.

It was also so sad to see that done to their children, who know what they are taught.

I'm also getting too old to ride roller coasters for 10 hours straight.

I also wore a shirt along these lines. Opened up lot of great conversations.


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