Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The reason I will not answer the question is it is a deflection from the topic I was engaged in. You can search past posts on this board and see that I am aligned with your view. But that is not the point. The point is you should stop being a cunt and introducing ad hominems to avoid engaging in discourse.
What a’re a boil that needs lanced.
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Trump definitely wasn’t perfect and had lots of warts, BUT Again, zero plans/ideas/directions moving forward. You’re one heckuva Monday morning quarterback.

I'm not in the business of making detailed plans for how to save the country. I doubt anyone else here is, either. That's what a Presidential candidate should be doing. If in some alternate reality, I found myself sitting in the Oval Office, know what I wouldn't do? Appoint deep-staters and democrats to every major position and put life-long RINOs and globalists in charge of staffing my White House. Regardless, it's too late for that. Best we can do is for God to remember us in mercy when the judgment reaches its zenith.
Exactly. Now taking a stand by not showing up to the stadium on his scheduled day to pitch would have been a great opportunity to take advantage of the perfect platform in Dodger Stadium to deliver his message. He chose the easy route. His message is empty and hollow. He's a hypocrite, much like you.

I'm a hypocrite? Do tell.

FYI, they don't give pitchers a mic and let them make comments to the crowd. Best he could have done was make the comments to a reporter in the post-game. Not that it would have changed a thing.
I'm not in the business of making detailed plans for how to save the country. I doubt anyone else here is, either. That's what a Presidential candidate should be doing. If in some alternate reality, I found myself sitting in the Oval Office, know what I wouldn't do? Appoint deep-staters and democrats to every major position and put life-long RINOs and globalists in charge of staffing my White House. Regardless, it's too late for that. Best we can do is for God to remember us in mercy when the judgment reaches its zenith.
I guess I’ll just wait for the fire and brimstone then.
Once again, unable to offer a even sliver of defense for Trump. His staunchest defenders would be rendered silent if profanity weren't allowed.

First, I'm not president. Haven't ran for president, and therefore have had no reason to have a "plan" for such things. But for simplicity's sake, take me out of the equation. Pretend I'm just as clueless as Trump, one who danced Fauci dances with nurses and got in line with Trump and Jimmy Kimmel to get shot up. Go back to that timeframe here in the LAC. No one trusted Fauci. All these random message board people knew not to trust Fauci, but the leader of the free world didn't know? Tell me someone is an idiot without calling them an idiot.

Same with the vaccine. There were few - if any - LACers who were eager to get Trump's vaccine. To the contrary, all or virtually everyone here said there was no way they'd take it. Yet Trump trusted. Trusted probably isn't the right word, more like "championed". Worse, he still hasn't sniffed out that his killshot is dooming millions to an early grave, still claiming he saved tens of millions of lives.

2nd, were I to run for president, I'd do my best to find an expert in every major sector of the economy, and especially in the largest sector, healthcare. Trump had no one he could trust? 18 months of campaigning for President, and he had no outsider to advise him not to trust "2 very smart people" when they came to tell him to shut the country down? It took Rand Paul like 5 minutes to figure out Fauci, but Trump didn't until he'd already put him out front on the CV podium? Once more, tell me someone is an idiot without calling them an idiot. Or maybe just a trojan horse.
I don't think "find better experts and trust them just as deeply" is any better. We are a nation of laws, not men, and technocracy is just high-IQ tyranny.

As I've said before, we had pandemic plans in place. Plans that were built on sound science. The "slow the spread" designs were interventions far more severe than what was recommended for even the most severe pandemics. These plans were carefully designed and vetted over the course of decades, and all that was quickly thrown away for the half-baked recommendations of a handful of experts. The danger is any single expert can turn into a Mengele-Fauci at the drop of a hat. We have laws and processes to guard against such things, and emergencies are no excuse to undermine them.
It would mean a flight from Kansas City to Los Angeles that takes 3 hours at 35000 ft would take a little over 45 minutes at 5000 ft. It’s stupid. The massive size of the Earth makes the circumference difference between 35000 ft and 5000 ft relatively meaningless. The scale of that diagram is misleading.

Where the fuck have you been?
Journalist A.J. Benza says he spoke to someone in the room with Jamie Foxx who said Foxx has a blood clot in the brain after getting vaccinated. According to the source Foxx did not want the vaccine but the movie studio forced him to get it if he wanted to stay in the film. No word on the accuracy of this claim yet.

During an episode of “Ask Dr. Drew,” the podcaster, who previously worked as a columnist for the New York Daily News and hosted the E! series Mysteries and Scandals, disclosed that Jamie Foxx had experienced a blood clot in his brain subsequent to receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

The podcaster further revealed that Foxx had reservations about getting the vaccine but felt compelled to do so due to pressure from the film production he was involved with at the time.

Benza asserted that the blood clot in Foxx’s brain resulted in partial paralysis and blindness, claiming that his source, someone with direct knowledge of Foxx’s hospitalization, provided this information.

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