Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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LOL the fact is YOU are a grifter. You NEVER served your country, yet you make false statements about others who have answered the call.

You're the type that when the going gets tough you run to mommy's skirt and hide.

Lucky them!

Was that before or after the "Take a step forward"?
The Marines, Navy and AF didn't use the draft. Except, the Marines had an unofficial draft. Nobody was asked to take a step forward. They simply were chosen.

On the flight that night out to San Diego, some chap going into the Marines got plastered drunk. He stumbled off the plane into 3 waiting Marine DI's. We were sitting on a bus waiting to be taken to boot camp. This drunk guy was standing next to our bus, or tying to, and those Marines were tearing him a new asshole. I'm guessing his night was much longer than ours and we didn't get to sleep until around 1 AM.
Welp, he did it.

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Not only did my not so little boy graduate, he also won his bet with me. $1000 he wouldn't drink before he graduated. (It's a story that's hilarious and, at the same time, tells you all you need to know about Max. He never bows to pressure and keeps his word. And he wanted to win that bet) And, yes, his friends would have delighted in ratting him out over the years if he as much dipped his tongue into a drink, so I know he won it fair and square.

Last night, I handed him his money and a beer. The after grad party was here. )the official grad party was Monday night. Had over 300 people show up to everybody's shock but mine. I tried to tell them )

It was a great party (both) Everybody has been waiting for him to throw THE party (his sister was well known for the parties😂) Police and neighbors were given a heads up, parking was handled, nobody got out of hand ( because, frankly, the kids know the rules and I'll shut everything down if they break them).

A good time was had by all.

And I get to claim 100% success. 4 humans raised to truly great young adults.

Stella is wiped out. She is not professional party level. 😂

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Tats, parties, beer, and cigars. Hell of a celebration.

(all the kids got sibling tats, but I'm not posting the girls . '17'. His # and his sisters' bdays. He wears 17 for them ❤️)

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Love the Texas cushions.
Here's the thing. Adverse events happen. Leaders are judged by how they handle them. So I would pose the question a little differently- had Trump handled the pandemic more competently would he have won reelection?

I’ll make this quick and simple. He’s not a doctor and he was relying on experts to advise him.

These experts lied to him, and were part of the silent coup to overthrow him

It was a huge mistake, shutting down the economy. In fact, it will go down in history as the greatest mistake in modern history, only rivaled by the creation of the federal reserve, and the federal income tax.

Had Trump not shut down the economy they would’ve crucified him they would’ve increased the death count, and all the lies, which have been found out about this “pandemic“.

He was in a no-win situation, do only to the pandemic and nothing else!

Without the pandemic, he is reelected in a huge fashion.

Because without the pandemic, they would’ve never been able to change all the voting regulations including mail in ballots, etc. prior to the election.

Him not being president was due to a multiple chain reaction event all caused by Covid.

If you can’t see that you’re not only blind, you’re ignorant.
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Again, dude literally pitched in Dodger Stadium the night before his anti-Dodger tweet storm. Talk about hypocrisy and being afraid to get uncomfortable to defend his Christianity. His message is hollow.

Was he supposed to stand there and shake his fist at the crowd?

He made comments for the world to see, and hasn't (yet) retracted them. That's a pretty bold stand, it's not just against the Dodgers, it's against the entirety of MLB. Ultimately, he was taking a jab at his own employer. Seems pretty far from hollow.
The Marines, Navy and AF didn't use the draft. Except, the Marines had an unofficial draft. Nobody was asked to take a step forward. They simply were chosen.

On the flight that night out to San Diego, some chap going into the Marines got plastered drunk. He stumbled off the plane into 3 waiting Marine DI's. We were sitting on a bus waiting to be taken to boot camp. This drunk guy was standing next to our bus, or tying to, and those Marines were tearing him a new asshole. I'm guessing his night was much longer than ours and we didn't get to sleep until around 1 AM.
Some day when I get loose I will tell you about my night out after basic training graduation from Ft. Jackson. Let's just say, I stripped and buffed hallways all over Ft. Gordon upon arrival. Haha Skol!
Was he supposed to stand there and shake his fist at the crowd?

He made comments for the world to see, and hasn't (yet) retracted them. That's a pretty bold stand, it's not just against the Dodgers, it's against the entirety of MLB. Ultimately, he was taking a jab at his own employer. Seems pretty far from hollow.

No new information came to light between his start and his Tweet. Why should others boycott and make sacrifices when he puts his personal finances and employment above their individual interests? Why is he more important than them, God and the church? If he is so steadfast in his beliefs then he would have acted in such a manner the night before. Don’t take the mound. Hand the ball to the manager. Do something. Instead, he chose to do nothing and then tweet at others to pick up his slack the next day. His message is empty and hollow.

At best, it’s hypocritical, and you spent virtually every moment on this board telling other posters they’re hypocritical in their support of Trump. You can’t have it both ways.
There was no pandemic. Wtf are you talking about?
Oh they CALLED it a pandemic... but what happened to the normally 300,000 flu numbers that year?

Oh that's right, they ran the Covid test up to 45x (which would make an air molecule show up as positive) never mind that the guy who invented the PCR test Dr. Kary Mullis said 25x was the limit.

If they planned for it in advance... is it really a 'pandemic'?

Peter Dazsek.jpg

Or was it an agenda they 'called' a pandemic - which enacted all kinds of legal directives - for profit?

Ever hear of this? Why not??
Screenshot 2023-06-01 at 1.08.16 PM.png

Follow the 'science'... "I am 'Science'"??


Follow the money...ALWAYS follow the money!

peter daszak.jpg

If one were paying attention one might question why every national leader pretty much said verbatim the same thing. Who directed leaders of nations to read the same document? Who wrote it?

Amazing Polly has done the deep dive research - all anyone needs to do is listen and learn:

This is your "wake up" call:

Y'all should bookmark Polly's channel and go back to 2020 and see what digs she discovered. She reveals all the back side connections such as the World Bank, GAVI, PEPFAR, EVENT201 and who sits on who's board of directors - you'll be surprised to learn.
What's Biden pointing at??

A snek...

Good question. I think he would have. However, what does a competent response to a global pandemic look like when everyone is working against you? See the post above that showed Democratic leaders actively encouraging people to gather etc. Now this may have been a genuine response to keep people from panicking while they learned more about the virus. However those same people were first in line, along with the media, the crucify Trump for his Covid response when death/illness counts started to rise. Not one of them is one the record apologizing for their remarks, to my knowledge. Trump walked to the podium every single day and faced a barrage of bullshit from reporters. He advocated for therapeutics, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and was ridiculed by the media. Why? Because they were viable remedies for Covid that weren’t vaccines.

I answered your question, now answer mine. Is Trump still president if Covid doesn’t happen?
He might be. It is difficult to say. 10+ months took place between the discovery of COVID and the election. That is more than enough time for another adverse scenario to occur that he would royally fuck up.
Oh they CALLED it a pandemic... but what happened to the normally 300,000 flu numbers that year?

Oh that's right, they ran the Covid test up to 45x (which would make an air molecule show up as positive) never mind that the guy who invented the PCR test Dr. Kary Mullis said 25x was the limit.

If they planned for it in advance... is it really a 'pandemic'?

View attachment 183233

Or was it an agenda they 'called' a pandemic - which enacted all kinds of legal directives - for profit?

Ever hear of this? Why not??
View attachment 183238

Follow the 'science'... "I am 'Science'"??

View attachment 183234

Follow the money...ALWAYS follow the money!

View attachment 183235

If one were paying attention one might question why every national leader pretty much said verbatim the same thing. Who directed leaders of nations to read the same document? Who wrote it?

Amazing Polly has done the deep dive research - all anyone needs to do is listen and learn:

This is your "wake up" call:

Y'all should bookmark Polly's channel and go back to 2020 and see what digs she discovered. She reveals all the back side connections such as the World Bank, GAVI, PEPFAR, EVENT201 and who sits on who's board of directors - you'll be surprised to learn.

Re: The article about Fauci and bacterial pneumonia.

I told a nurse yesterday that a large number of the deaths from Wuhan Charlie were bacterial pneumonia, per Northwestern University. Now confirmed by Fauci et al in the paper clipping above. The nurse said she would "disagree with me". I said, "Nothing to disagree with me about. I'm just passing on a peer reviewed article from a top medical school."
I’ll make this quick and simple. He’s not a doctor and he was relying on experts to advise him.

These experts lied to him, and were part of the silent coup to overthrow him

It was a huge mistake, shutting down the economy. In fact, it will go down in history as the greatest mistake in modern history, only rivaled by the creation of the federal reserve, and the federal income tax.

Had Trump not shut down the economy they would’ve crucified him they would’ve increased the death count, and all the lies, which have been found out about this “pandemic“.

He was in a no-win situation, do only to the pandemic and nothing else!

Without the pandemic, he is reelected in a huge fashion.

Because without the pandemic, they would’ve never been able to change all the voting regulations including mail in ballots, etc. prior to the election.

Him not being president was due to a multiple chain reaction event all caused by Covid.

If you can’t see that you’re not only blind, you’re ignorant.
You've written a lot of excuses. There were processes in place for pandemic management that were built on 100 years of sound epidemiology. It was a choice to throw that away in favor of abdicating to experts with specious and untested ideas.
Some day when I get loose I will tell you about my night out after basic training graduation from Ft. Jackson. Let's just say, I stripped and buffed hallways all over Ft. Gordon upon arrival. Haha Skol!
The first 1-2 days of boot camp were taking numerous IQ and other tests, getting shots, seeing dentists and whatnot. The results of my tests qualified my for appointment to the Naval Academy from the fleet. I met with some officer who talked with me about going to the NA. I told him to go for it.

After 12 weeks of boot camp and what came with it, graduation came and orders for the next duty station were given out. Everyone but me got their orders. I asked where mine were. They said you are having orders cut to go to the Naval Prep School for a year and then to the Academy so you can't go home on leave. I told them (after 12 weeks of seeing military life) to screw the Academy and let me do what I signed up for. 4 years at that time was much better than 8-9 years if I went to the Academy. They said it would take 2 weeks to get my orders changed. I was sent to a transit barracks and was assigned to the base Chaplin as his courier. For 2 weeks I rode a bicycle all over that base delivering papers and stuff to the Admiral's office and anywhere else. A nice 2 weeks compared to the other transients who cleaned barracks and polished brass all day.

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