Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
At least one of the posters on this forum has succumbed to this mythology.
Revisionist history from one of Trump's paid shills. Just like blaming other people for Mike Pence, Rience Priebus, and Chris Wray.

How do you not understand Fauci only had the stage because Trump gave it to him? He was one of the 2 so-called "very smart people" (Trump's words) Trump listened to in shutting down the country and fastracking the murder shot. Trump put Fauci at the forefront and never removed him. Trump let the devil out of his box then whined when he couldn't get him back in it. Facts, not opinions.

If there's no authority to do anything about it all subpoenas & recommendations for charges in the world mean doodly squat. See all the recommendations for charges over the Russia hoax handed out by Nunes & Co, while any recommendation from Pelosi & Co resulted in immediate actions.

Banana Republic


Sick and tired of seeing this shit.
Revisionist history from one of Trump's paid shills. Just like blaming other people for Mike Pence, Rience Priebus, and Chris Wray.

How do you not understand Fauci only had the stage because Trump gave it to him? He was one of the 2 so-called "very smart people" (Trump's words) Trump listened to in shutting down the country and fastracking the murder shot. Trump put Fauci at the forefront and never removed him. Trump let the devil out of his box then whined when he couldn't get him back in it. Facts, not opinions.
At this point you should start your own thread. I finally recalled the ignore button. Please exit stage left!

Mathew 8:16-6 says “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

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