Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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DeSantis aides to donors: Trump’s current lead is a polling sugar high​

I truly do not know if Desantis is an establishment type, but I know I have my opinions that he is regardless, if he wanted to get out of that type of description, he is doing a poor job of it. In 2016 most of us here thought that all republican donors were on our side. We were wrong and those are the same people lining up to support Desantis. We see Donald J also bellying up to mega donors and doing very non conservative things as well After all he was a registered Democrat most of his adult life. Don't kill me for taking aim at the Don, I know much of what I know now would not have been so if he didn't run for and win the presidency. I just think he is too trusting of bad people. JMO. I would still vote for Trump at this point. Ron has some time to change my mind, but I remain skeptical on that for now.
That’s always been my issue
I was in 7th grade in Dallas marveling at the boobs on the girl next to me in lab. A guy who had been at the parade in Dallas walked into the lab and said Kennedy had been shot. A couple of minutes later the principal made the announcement that Kennedy had died. As I recall school was dismissed and not opened again until after the Thanksgiving holidays. 10 days with no school and no lab partner's boobs to look at.
Jr is wrong! If for no other reason, it is terrible beer. Throw in tranny campaigns by supposed "donating conservative" employees and there is a serious disconnect here. I find it difficult to believe that it was just two rogue employees that pushed this. Do the higher ups not pay attention or care what their employees are doing on their behalf? Yeah, I don't think so either. Gratefully, I do not consume their products.
Yeah, it appears he’s pandering for campaign money from corporations.
I think people realized with little individual effort the group can be powerful. Looks like an awakening and taking a boycotting page from the lefties and moved on to target.

I must be out of the loop, I didn’t realize this was going on. I was wondering why target was no crowded yesterday evening. It’s usually jammed.

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