Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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My parents were self professed yellow dog democrats. They said they'd vote for an actual canine over a Republican. My first time voting I voted for Jimmy Carter. (sorry) My first house, I paid 14 percent interest. Ronald Reagan came along and saved the US economy. Clinton came in and made the US look completely like fools. Sold our technology to China. "You'll have a hard time proving THE FACT that I sold secrets to China." Obama comes in and I forgot why I hated Clinton. All this to say I've tried to be very diligent in knowing who I vote for since Carter. Donald Trump was the hardest candidate to read. He's not a politician. I don't trust anybody, and I really didn't / don't know if he can be trusted. However, as President, he did more good for the US than any president in my lifetime. Energy independence was huge for me. I sat in line to get 8 gallons of gas when I was a teenager. Our military was strong, our economy was the strongest, and I think he convinced the world not to fuck with us. If he runs, he'll have my vote, if it counts or not.
Well said, my story reflects yours. I voted for Perot because he was a businessman and saw what bad trade deals were doing to our workforce and manufacturing base.
I lost a couple of jobs due to this unfair BS. I tried to buy my first house and the rates were 20 to 24%. I too sat in gas lines to get enough gas to drive back and forth to work.
President Trump did more for me, my family, and our country than any President in my lifetime. He did these while fighting the most corrupt bastards in DC and around the entire world.
My motto is never to confuse effort with results I saw and felt the results President Trump achieved and they were good.
I vividly remember when we met at lunch with @Croot_Overlord and our conversation in the parking lot afterward.
Trump will have my 2024 vote and then I will see what unfolds in 2028.
and exactly where did those videos originate?

How difficult would it be to 'originate' those videos from one source proficient in CGI who then distributes them as if they were from different people/cameras/locations?

Planning is everything.

Just as for 60 years we all 'beLIEved that JFK was assassinated by a loan gunman from a book depository - and this was way before CGI became 'a thing'....
Retarded take. Every news station in the country was on live when the second plane hit, national and local news. You’re saying it was set up and every single news anchors real time live reaction to the second plane was staged?
Looks like that story I posted earlier has more legs. LOL.

avy Cmdr. Jonathan Zang has been fired as the USS John Finn’s executive officer following a command investigation, a Navy spokesman confirmed.

On May 20, the Navy announced that the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer’s commanding officer, Cmdr. Angela Gonzales, had been fired, but the service’s news release made no mention of Zang.

Navy Times first reported on Tuesday that both Gonzales and Zang had been relieved of command.

Vice Adm. Karl Thomas, commander of the Navy's 7th Fleet, fired Zang and Gonzales “due to a loss of confidence in their ability to fulfill their responsibilities in leading the ship,” Cmdr. Haley Sims, a 7th Fleet spokeswoman, told Task & Purpose on Tuesday.

“There was a command investigation and the findings of the investigation informed Vice Adm. Thomas’ decision to relieve the commanding officer and executive officer,” Sims said.

Sims did not specify what prompted the command investigation or exactly why Thomas felt that Zang and Gonzales could no longer carry out their leadership responsibilities aboard the John Finn.
Well said, my story reflects yours. I voted for Perot because he was a businessman and saw what bad trade deals were doing to our workforce and manufacturing base.
I lost a couple of jobs due to this unfair BS. I tried to buy my first house and the rates were 20 to 24%. I too sat in gas lines to get enough gas to drive back and forth to work.
President Trump did more for me, my family, and our country than any President in my lifetime. He did these while fighting the most corrupt bastards in DC and around the entire world.
My motto is never to confuse effort with results I saw and felt the results President Trump achieved and they were good.
I vividly remember when we met at lunch with @Croot_Overlord and our conversation in the parking lot afterward.
Trump will have my 2024 vote and then I will see what unfolds in 2028.
We need to catch up again soon
It appears that those who took the Death Jabs do have a time bomb injected into themselves under false pretenses. It may manifest itself in #diedsuddenly or stage 4 cancer, or myocarditis, or miscarriage, or tinnitus or any number of acute onset diseases. The variable is time.
I I also think the variable is that the jab attack whatever your weaknesses is in your body.

Definitely, Weaponized
Well Bad News

My childhood and best friend ever ride or die bro - his sister is going in tomorrow for them to biopsy a mass on her brain.

He like many of us is a "Pure-Blood" so he had no problem answering the question when I asked it.

The answer was "Yes"

She has the same name as me if you are praying folk.
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