And Down Goes Miller Lite
Lol my man! I love how fucking Asian you are bro.View attachment 181920
Told the waitress my parents owned the place. She told me I didn’t look Korean.
I said, “Well actually I lived in Japan for two years and am something of an Asian myself.”
She laughed, my wife said I’m SOOO embarrassing, so naturally when the waitress came back I apologized in case my wife had offended her throughout the meal.
Fried egg, bacon, and cheddar cheese on toast.My new baby chicks arrive tomorrow! Got 12 little biddies coming. Kids and wife are excited to have some new pets and I’m excited about future fried egg sammiches. Fuck the satan worshippers.
Hope that pussyhat wearing shitstain gets cancelled by his own ilk
And I’ll bet they all knew how to cook, clean and babysit kids. Damn we’ve been hoodwinked.09:44 And We Already Have the "Post of the Day"
God Wins always but on this earth I think we lose the battle and win in eternity. Although IM not sure. Jesus didnt come for us to lose here
They never fucking learn….
Just might have something to do with shorting the stock.What’s been promised to these companies? I think that’s the question. It’s not about learning imo. It’s about sacrificing for something better in the future.
And Down Goes Miller Lite
All they have to do is blackmail the few in top level exec positions . It doesn’t take that much cash.What’s been promised to these companies? I think that’s the question. It’s not about learning imo. It’s about sacrificing for something better in the future.