Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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09:44 And We Already Have the "Post of the Day"


I quit listening to the Stern show once Artie finally burnt his last bridge with the show. Stern is a progressive moron and kind of always has been. He used to have Trump on all the time and they supposedly got along really well. When Trump ran for president, as a republican (key distinction there) Stern showed who he really was. Frankly, Stern is not that funny, or all that entertaining of a guy. The people around him carried his ass IMO. Now he is everything he railed against for decades.

I like her spirit but this is pointless imo. All it does is cost more money and time and takes congress away from doing the nothing they already do. If these articles are serious, and not for show, they had better include Kamala. Her as president will almost assuredly put the final scoop of dirt over this once great country. (still ok in many areas, but deteriorating quickly)
It’s always darkest before the dawn.

Good always triumphs over evil.

God wins.

Positive thinking begets positive results.

Do what @Fatjack33 said above -

Red pill others.

Get involved on local level.

Speak out.

All that needs to happen for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

I’ve recently lost clients because I’m blasting the shit out of this trans bullshit on Facebook

A few people have disagreed with me - zero fucks given.

I don’t want to be associated even at a client level with people that support child mutilation.

We can’t be scared to speak up anymore. That’s what they are banking on.

I’m sure I’ll think of more later.

God Wins always but on this earth I think we lose the battle and win in eternity. Although IM not sure. Jesus didnt come for us to lose here

Why do companies want to go broke?

Could you imagine Henry Ford II approving this bullshit?

They’re all getting together and doing this to target our opposition to it. If everything the blue collar American supports starts doing this woke shit then we just have to accept their support of it or not have a vehicle, beer, sports, clothes, etc. They basically force us to indirectly support it or not have things.
They’re all getting together and doing this to target our opposition to it. If everything the blue collar American supports starts doing this woke shit then we just have to accept their support of it or not have a vehicle, beer, sports, clothes, etc. They basically force us to indirectly support it or not have things.
Or start our own stuff. Seriously. Promote the fact that you are not woke with anything. Promote the heck out if actually. The product won't have to be all that great either for people who are sick of all this woke BS. Heck, Bud Light is a terrible beer, but so many would still be drinking it if hey did absolutely nothing. If they put camo on the can as a promotion, they would have gotten more people to drink their crappy "beer." Instead they decided they wanted to lose a few billion catering to less than 1/2 of 1/2 % of mentally unfit people in this country. Now they are trying to regroup without apologizing for a big mistake? Good luck with that.
I'm skeptical as well but something struck me when I was reading the tweet you posted...11.3

That's what Q referenced in a early post back on 10/31/2017.

11.3 Podesta Indicted
11.6 Huma Indicted...Most everyone always thought these were dates but I guess not. Like you, I'll believe it when I see it.
I hope it happens, I hope it’s real. I’m just not getting wrapped up in the Q stuff again as it was frustrating that nothing is happening that we can see. I truly think we are getting trolled by both sides.
I'm skeptical as well but something struck me when I was reading the tweet you posted...11.3

That's what Q referenced in a early post back on 10/31/2017.

11.3 Podesta Indicted
11.6 Huma Indicted...Most everyone always thought these were dates but I guess not. Like you, I'll believe it when I see it.
Wait they aren't dates?

And I just found out that if you want to find the post that someone replied to you can just click on the OP's name and it will take you to it. Cool.

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