Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
You got a link to the BLm stuff? If so, I'll never buy again.

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Gaetz has impressed me in certain areas. I know he is most likely angling to become a future presidential candidate, like Desantis has done in recent years. I hope he remains true to his words going forward and doesn't become a swamper.
His district is in the Redneck Rivera and one of the heaviest Military areas in the country they eat up that kinda shit for breakfast and he is smart enough to know it. His message is also common sense and America First.
He also has demonstrated courage to go against the establishment.

This guy is one of the types of Government people I loathe the most. He was a career Military guy that made it to the rank of Rear Admiral who took this oath:

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.[1]

Did he honor this oath? Hell no he turned out to be a Cuck POS fucking liar for the Democrats.
What kind of man does this and can live with himself, look his family in the face and sleep at night?
Question for the board:

How many of you are actively encouraging your children (of age, of course) to get their concealed carry permits if your state allows it? I just came home from the liquor store and Publix and walk in to see this shit in Atlanta. My 26 y/o son is here and I told him “that’s why I carry whenever I go out of the house” and encouraged him to get his CCP.

Nah. Just a Twitter /tiktok campaign reaching millions without having to spend the extra millions for an 'official' campaign.

Fuck all the way off with that bs.


Govt overreach, pun intended
Caught Derek Trucks At Skippers Smokehouse, Tampa when he was maybe 11 or possibly 12. He was a prodigy and all in attendance knew it. Good times!

Caught Tedeschi Trucks Band last night in Sugarland. Have seen them a few times now but last night's show was the best. PSA to go check them out if they are coming to a town near you on this tour. Texas folks should know they are playing in Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and Forth Worth in the coming days. Make the time and go.

Asked the lady at the beer counter how many Bud Lights she was selling and she stopped what she was doing and looked up, laughed and said, "absolutely zero".


Seriously for like 6 months the neighbors had a dish remote that was on the same channel as my bedroom TV and we would change each other's station. They are RF not IR so it basically works from anywhere in range.

Finally called Dish and they helped me change the channel on it.

Would be laying there watching something then boom it would change to some cooking shit or something. Change it back to my show then it would change back.... Would go back and forth like this for 10 min

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