Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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There are also articles from Forbes, NBC and others saying much the same.
I worked a Pepsi for 22 years total. In 2010 we were bought out by corporate pepsico. I spent 10 years in that corporate hell hole. I left in 2020, I just couldn’t take it anymore. Right before I left, they donated $400mm to blm. Then they started black led equality work. I am so happy to not be in that anymore. As much money that was donated to blm by liberal companies, you cannot tell me that was not a kickback scheme for the left.
I still think Manchin is a huge POS.

I'm dealing with a momma and juvenile squirrels in a lady's attic. I sprayed cayenne pepper into an opening into the attic in the front of the house and she moved the juveniles to the other side of the house. They don't want to go into my trap. The juveniles come out a hole in the soffit but run back into the attic when I open the patio door and look at them relaxing on the roof. Of course, it will be too hot in the attic soon and they will leave but the homeowner doesn't want to wait.

Tomorrow they get the strobe light treatment.
I still think Manchin is a huge POS.

He's just their pawn. They let him act tough for WV voters on occasion, but when they want his vote, he has no choice but to bend over for them, just as he did last year on the "tax" bill.

He just outed 51 former government employees with no balls.

I still think Manchin is a huge POS.

If Manchin had any balls he would switch parties.

Ultra marathoners, when regular marathoners are not annoying enough


"Only 44 percent of voters believe that Biden is mentally fit to be president, the poll showed, versus 56 percent believing he is not mentally fit."
The fact that 44% think he's fit for Presidency shows the decline of intelligence and decay in this Country

^^so much to unpack here^^

A friend of mine who is a retired Seminole County (FL) sheriffs officer put it plain and simple when he told me ”you have to do something to get their attention” when it comes to criminals. With all the cell phone cameras and officer‘s cameras, oftentimes to that something goes out the window. It’s unfortunate, because I believe a lot of these mostly peaceful choir boys need a good azz whipping and a broken long bone or two to help them understand.

Doug Casey On Rising Crime, Legalized Shoplifting, And Other Disturbing Trends In US Cities

International Man: Many cities which have decided to “defund the police” have seen a surge in violent crime generally and carjackings, armed robbery, and murder.

What do you make of the trend of rising crime?

Doug Casey: Once again, it’s an indicator of the general degradation of civilization itself.

If you’re wondering where the US is going, you can look at Venezuela, where the standard of living has collapsed since being totally taken over by socialist values in the last 20 years. And Argentina, which has been on a shallower glide path for the last 80 years. Latins seem to have learned absolutely nothing, however, since every country in South America, with the exception of Uruguay, is run by a doctrinaire socialist.

Look at South Africa, which is still the most advanced country on the continent. Americans rarely hear about it, but power is only available half the day. The blacks have practically declared open season on whites in parts of the country. That’s the direction we’re going in the US.

All over the West, criminals and welfare recipients are rewarded while producers are punished. China has some huge problems, but this is one area where they’re doing much better than the rest of the world.

Common criminality is not tolerated in China—or anywhere in the Orient. Welfare barely exists. That’s one reason why China has risen relative to the US in recent years. The social and moral underpinnings of China are shockingly better than they are in the “woke” US. In fact, the US seems to be undergoing its own version of the Great Cultural Revolution that nearly destroyed China in the 60’s.
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