Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

A @FreeMiner Bauce Move Right Here

The Dutch Farmers are in a war with their WEF government, The French are in a war with the WEF puppet Macron, the Canadians hate the WEF Trudeau, he can only travel with the largest convoy of Police SWAT and some SF soldiers unprecedented in Canadian history. When he does appear the crowds immediately turn on him.

Come on America
Public Service Announcement

Bittrex one of the first US Based Crypto Exchanges to Close Down

They Are NOT Insolvent - It is a Business Decision

I Was Able to Withdraw All of My Remaining Funds


Strong Rumor is That Coinbase Will Cease Operations in The United States As Well

My Fear is That If a Market Cannot Exist in the US It is Likely to Fail Worldwide as We Are Still the World's Largest Economy

IMO The Deep State Thru the SEC/Biden Admin Will Make It Impossible For Any US Exchange to Exist

If You Are a US Citizen You Cannot Trade on the World Exchanges Outside the US

How Will This Effect The US and US Economy

Think of It This Way - Why Have We Had the Best Economy?

Because We Have ALWAYS Been Leading Innovators - Think About We've Always Been First to Market In:

Automobiles/Manufacturing/Aerospace/Telecom/Computers/Chips/The Internet/Audio/Visual/Medicine/Energy/Nano

The List Goes On and On

But Now All the Technology That is the Next Great Revolution That Comes From Crypto Companies Like ADA HBAR & Many Others Will Be Forced to Move Off-Shore

They Don't Want Competition for the USD - They Will Create Their Own CBDC for Evil

What Changed?

Sam Bankman Fried Thru His Incompetence and Greed Ended The Cabal's/Libs Use of Crypto to Launder Money

Thus They Have to Destroy The Evidence


Anyway the Above is My Opinion

But The Fact is Get Your Money While You Can and You Only Have Another 3 Days Out of Bittrex

And Be Prepared to Possibly Do the Same for Coinbase and Any Other US Based Crypto Exchange

Public Service Announcement

Bittrex one of the first US Based Crypto Exchanges to Close Down

They Are NOT Insolvent - It is a Business Decision

I Was Able to Withdraw All of My Remaining Funds


Strong Rumor is That Coinbase Will Cease Operations in The United States As Well

My Fear is That If a Market Cannot Exist in the US It is Likely to Fail Worldwide as We Are Still the World's Largest Economy

IMO The Deep State Thru the SEC/Biden Admin Will Make It Impossible For Any US Exchange to Exist

If You Are a US Citizen You Cannot Trade on the World Exchanges Outside the US

How Will This Effect The US and US Economy

Think of It This Way - Why Have We Had the Best Economy?

Because We Have ALWAYS Been Leading Innovators - Think About We've Always Been First to Market In:

Automobiles/Manufacturing/Aerospace/Telecom/Computers/Chips/The Internet/Audio/Visual/Medicine/Energy/Nano

The List Goes On and On

But Now All the Technology That is the Next Great Revolution That Comes From Crypto Companies Like ADA HBAR & Many Others Will Be Forced to Move Off-Shore

They Don't Want Competition for the USD - They Will Create Their Own CBDC for Evil

What Changed?

Sam Bankman Fried Thru His Incompetence and Greed Ended The Cabal's/Libs Use of Crypto to Launder Money

Thus They Have to Destroy The Evidence


Anyway the Above is My Opinion

But The Fact is Get Your Money While You Can and You Only Have Another 3 Days Out of Bittrex

And Be Prepared to Possibly Do the Same for Coinbase and Any Other US Based Crypto Exchange

Except BTC is doing well. Billions in USD being shifted from US Banks to BTC and PM's.
American Depositors are not stupid. They are finding work arounds.

Except BTC is doing well. Billions in USD being shifted from US Banks to BTC and PM's.
American Depositors are not stupid. They are finding work arounds.

I didn't say that - I said get your money out and be prepared to do same with other changes.

Yes BTC will continue to rise IMO

But this valuable tech will not come from America and we will be at a huge disadvantage.

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