Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I had a feeling that I belong. A feeling that I could be some one.
You had the word “feeling” twice in that post. That indicates that you depend on “hope” and ”feeling”.

”Hope” and “feeling” are not bad, unless they are absent of action. Action to “be some one” is what it takes. Those that are “someone” took action to accomplish that. They started with ”hope”. They had a dream of who they wanted to be. Then they took action to accomplish it.

Once you have accomplished some tough goals, you will no longer feel the need to belong. You become your true self. And then others will want to belong to you.

Winsome Sears spits straight truth about Trannies​

She’s up in here schooling Bill Maher and his leftist idiot guest about how stupid transgenders are.

There is nothing I find more offensive than drag queens in schools. Nothing. They’re men in clown outfits mocking women. They’re trying to drive a wedge between parents and their children. And now these crazy people are killing kids whose parents don’t want to play along.

Women aren’t clowns. We aren’t lesser beings that should be fetishized as weak and ridiculous. We aren’t born in the wrong bodies. We don’t become more powerful by deepening our voices and cutting off our own breasts. There’s no shame in titties. They give life and comfort. Women deserve our private spaces. We deserve our own doctors that treat our own special healthcare professionals who treat our specific kinds of health issues. A man cannot have a fucking period. A man will never know what menstrual cramps feel like.

Puberty is part of life where everyone freaks out about their own body. It’s changing and none of us recognized it when it was happening. It’s scary to grow up. I remember being legit terrified when I had my first period. Can you imagine if you were already a little different with no strong home life or worse other deep attachment or emotional trauma?

This whole fucking cult has made a mockery of human life and human beings ESPECIALLY women. I hate it so much. I’ve had ENOUGH. Go Winsome.

Link........Winsome Sears is a badass
I broke the charger for my tablet so goodbye everybody. Most of you will be happy some of you will say who the hell was he, I dont know.

You had the word “feeling” twice in that post. That indicates that you depend on “hope” and ”feeling”.

”Hope” and “feeling” are not bad, unless they are absent of action. Action to “be some one” is what it takes. Those that are “someone” took action to accomplish that. They started with ”hope”. They had a dream of who they wanted to be. Then they took action to accomplish it.

Once you have accomplished some tough goals, you will no longer feel the need to belong. You become your true self. And then others will want to belong to you.
They were song lyrics jackass
Yale University concocted lie paid for by the State Dept. to get the ICC which has no jurisdiction in the USA or Russia to drum up support to get Putin.
The USA refuses to acknowledge the ICC, and I agree it has no jurisdiction.

Great article. Have a look at the camps. Many of the parents that can afford to send their kids out of a warzone do so to protect their kids.

More Gray Zone MH17 what really happened to Maylasian MH17


Nature you scary



Can’t afford groceries.
Can’t afford gas.
81 million votes, my a$s.
Stolen, corrupt elections have catastrophic consequences.

No matter how much you cry, shout, and bully - I’m not going to celebrate your insanity.
To those concerned about Trump being able to win the General..

He’s already won 2 of them

They *stole* 2020 in the dead of night after he was ahead by 100s of thousands of votes in PA & MI

We know how rigged Maricopa, AZ is now too

Clean up election fraud in swing states & he’s POTUS 47

^^we must be holding another arms dealer

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