Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Biden the Weimar Moment Approaches.


Swiss must be selling some of their Nazi Gold and blood diamonds

That literally makes zero sense.. I don't watch the TV so I don't receive the Jew Brainwashing show. There are patents on the TV. that explain it's a brainwashing tool. That doesn't mean I get brainwashed easily it just means I'm ahead of the curve. Only a moron would expose themselves to brainwashing devices.

Thank you very much, I enjoy the single life. Only a dumbass would be with a woman in our current society (except an Amish woman). A suicidal man would get married (unless it's an Amish woman).

Nice try, I appreciate the effort.

You have a little penis and have been rejected. Women are awesome. ITs up to you to control what the atmosphere is. Little penis guy
You have a little penis and have been rejected. Women are awesome. ITs up to you to control what the atmosphere is. Little penis guy

okay captain save a hoe.

BUAHAHAH that's something a woman would say that's hilarious thanks for the laughs. Are you a woman? You make wild baseless assumptions based off nothing.

I've never had any complaints and never been rejected as women have always come for me.

The only benefit of a woman in the west in our generation is sex. After that, women are just major liability's. Only Amish women would be worth marrying (non gov contract though) because of their strong Christian values. I'm just ahead of the curve but you're too ignorant to understand this.

I thought you were going to ignore me. I must have triggered you.

So this clown doesn't even know me and decides to wish evil on me and throws personal attacks at me because he lacks the mental capacity to refute anything I've said.

Game Set Match
The simple way around this....just DON'T FUCKING FOLLOW IT! It has ZERO enforceability as it is not grounded in LAW.
I agree 100%. Unfortunately, there are too many brainwashed and quadruple vaxxed useful idiots that will follow so called authority when they have no real authority. Most people have no clue that our so-called government is nothing but a corporation and has been since the Act of 1872. Basically, Biden is the president of the corporation that's controlled by the Zionists/Rothchild banking cartel. Presidents have been controlled since the small hats murdered Lincoln. This is why our society always gets worse no matter who the so-called president is. They're two sides of the same coin as a Hegelian Dialectic.

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