Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Societal rot
Canadians still Hate Trudeau 1 year after convoy. Canadians started the big push back against the Globalists big time with the Freedom Convoy and it went global..
Not like the Aussie's and NZ simps.
Seems they still want to get Trudeau. He has the largest Security Detail in Canadian history, even in small towns they hate him.
From another board.

As a miner for 40 years, I have worked in various mines around the world. Gold, platinum, copper, coal, lead, zinc, oil, and salt. I'm going to tell you something, and here it is. We will destroy the earth in the name of "Green Energy" Follow along and I will explain.

Everyone in here already gets this. It blows the mind to think there are citizens that are conned by climate change/green energy BS.
Somebody needs to get this guy posting in the board so he can keep up a little better. That or you guys that keep posting him should quote the original post from weeks/months/years prior and let’s see how far ahead the conspiracy theorists are.
I actually might be able to do this. Im in a group led by a dude, and weve become pretty good friends. They are tight. We are supposed to get together when Im in Tampa some time in the spring.
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I have to admit I have been guilty of this before too. The idea of someone stealing from a store, or from me, makes me angry. I don't like to see theft.

But I shouldn't be angry at a poor person stealing so they can eat. I would do the same if I was in their shoes. So would you, and don't try to lie about it. We would all do what we would need to survive if we had nothing and nobody to turn to.

But fraud on Wall Street has become commonplace and when we hear about another billion dollar embezzlement or ponzi scheme we roll our eyes and think of Bernie Madoff. It's just more of the same.

Why? All that anger we had towards the poor man stealing food to survive should be multiplied a million times over and directed at these rich people. We should all be enraged. The fury of a thousand suns should be raining down upon them.

The only time Jesus ever got angry was when he drove the money changers out of the temple with a whip of cords.

The only time I know of that he said people would go to Hell, is when he said it's more difficult for a rich man to enter heaven than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

I think he would be properly angry at these people, and he only ever showed compassion to the poor.

Did the poor man ask anyone for help? Feeding his drug habits? Too lazy to work? Or is he simply too proud to ask for assistance? Nowhere in his word does God excuse sin. If someone has nowhere to turn when it comes to finding something to eat, that's one thing. Most of the theft we see today, these mobs of people running in stores and looting is another entirely.

The whole bible is God's word, not just the words Jesus spoke. As Paul said, For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

In most cases, the poor thief is a thief, same as Bernie Madoff. God makes no distinction in how big a thief one is. At least for now, very few in America have an excuse to steal. There are gov't agencies handing out $ for food, rent utilities, etc, many non-profits that help the poor, and even in my little town, anyone can go right now and get a free hot meal, or have meals on wheels deliver them one.

Other than children, elderly, disabled, the "poor" of today are not the poor of Jesus' day. They had nothing resembling what we have in America.
Just saying......this has set up written all over it

Distraction at best

Could very well be a clone

But don't understand why they'd kill him and then parrot around a clone? But then again these "people" are less than ordinary
He died suddenly and they didn't want the pr from a high profile game for people to question.

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I'm guilty of that.

Here's the reason -

1. Twitter now with Elon has greatly improved.

2. It informs you in small easy to understand tweets, memes, photos or links to articles.

3. You can click on the links to articles and read further if you have time.

4. Most don't have the time to read full articles or feel the need - they just need to be "aware" or better yet "awakened" by said news or story so they can make better decisions on voting, protecting themselves or their families, schools/places to avoid, places to relocate etc

5. The above is especially true with VIDEOS - I appreciate they are posted and like the "Cliff's" as I don't have the time usually to watch a 30 minute video much less a longer one - again I have the opportunity to investigate further if I wish.

6. I still have to work, play tennis, workout, spend time with friends, chase hotties etc. Thus, I like many others again "don't have the time" to write an extensive diatribe on my thoughts and opinions - from time to time I still do.

7. For example, @Hoosier in Mad Town has written some masterpieces on here - though because he is extremely busy in what he does at work and has family he can't consistently bang out lengthy opinion pieces.

In Summary

Tweets, short rumble videos, etc are an "Articulated Opinion" of the posters ITT - just albeit in smaller quick & easy bites of said opinion/information.

When I post a new Tweet from say Dr McCullough and the Tweet is about new evidence on adverse effects of the jab - you know my "Articulated Opinion" I'm just letting the Tweet and in this example the "Expert" articulate it for me - it saves me a lot of time which is all of ours most precious asset. Now if you have the time you can investigate further, or type out your "Articulated" concurrence or opposition to my opinion.

Think of these posts as the "Reader' Digest Condensed Version" of the longer novel - you can go read the novel if the short version piques your interest.


Both Tweets and longer posts contribute to this place I'd argue the best place on the webz for aggregated information - whether long form or shortened post from Twitter, Rumble, Truth Social etc - there is no superior site.

Twitter itself or Rumble itself, or Truth Social itself you would have to spend hours going thru everything that I can find instantly here ITT.

More importantly I enjoy what this country is missing today - that is community! This board/thread is like a tight-knit community like we all had growing up with people that are like-minded & I can trust.

In my travels to Colombia that is what I recognized. Say what you want about Latin America, but they revere family and community. These people don't have near what we have in the states, though they are a lot fucking happier and enjoy life in general way more with way less than today's average American.

Despite the Tweets/Short Videos and Posts which are necessary to get information out quickly and the point across easily - I ALSO agree that just as if not more important are the longer "letters from the hearts and minds" of those ITT.

Whether it's a deeply insightful and brilant post from @Hoosier in Mad Town , a family post from our "Team Mom" @tgsio , a post of wisdom from @BamaRidger or posts from experts in the various fields and professions covered by the membership and it would take too long to list them all here...

I totally agree with you we can always use more of these posts.

Furthermore, we need more posts from all of the members including the lurkers as everyone's opinion & thoughts/ideas matter.

Is the board or in particular this thread "perfect", nope it's not. But "perfect" is never obtainable.

What is obtainable is what my business coach always tells me "progress not perfection" - perfection is an illusion, but progress can always be made.

@44Bobcats55 thanks for the post - from time to time we need self-inspection and constructive criticism - it's necessary to continue to grow.

I'll do my best to have more original/personal content.

Regardless in my humble opinion we truly have something special here - what's the multiple of awakened people outside this thread because of a short post or Tweet that one of us read ITT?

We are truly a "Force-Multiplier"!!!

Ok I need to go to gym, get in a run, get some work done, call friends back home, and continue the absorption of my new home seeking new friendships and adventures.

Have a blessed upcoming week everyone.

Love you all (no homo) 😘

MH - "Out"
Beautiful summary!
They offered Crowder 50 million, he wanted 120 million and most of it guaranteed. Pretty sure crowder is a fucking idiot for turning down a 5 yr 50 million deal. Supposedly they were going to up to 70 million, but when he countered with 120mm. They said no thanks and walked away.

Crowder said he didn't counter with any #. He disputed that he ever asked for any specific amount, and they had no discussion about $$, other than the penalties. He claims his issue was that the penalties for running afoul of big tech amounted to 110% of the contract, making it impossible for him and anyone else who isn't willing to work within Youtube & Facebooks guidelines. Further, if his show were a huge success, and he already has a bigger show than anything on the Daily Wire, he said there were no provisions to share that revenue. Nor even share the financial info with him.

Their 2nd call he said he didn't even discuss his own show. It was entirely about other people DW might sign.

He also mentioned on Tim Pool's show, he doesn't get the $ from the DW as a salary. That's just to his production company, and they have 25 employees.

Considering who Daily Wire promotes vs what they do on Crowder's show, it's pretty easy for me to believe Crowder. Crowder talks about election fraud, the vaccines, pretty much anything, Ben Shapiro and Co mock those who do.
She will announce legislation which will get nowhere. I'm not sure why people like her feel the need to post things like this, when all but the simplest among us know it won't amount to anything.

Congress has one powerful tool: Shut down the gov't in the debt fight. Anything else is theater.
Completely worthless legislation attempt. Nobody in DC is interested in having their very own terror group corralled.
She will announce legislation which will get nowhere. I'm not sure why people like her feel the need to post things like this, when all but the simplest among us know it won't amount to anything.

Congress has one powerful tool: Shut down the gov't in the debt fight. Anything else is theater.
They all do this to show their constituents they are doing something and keeping their names in front of the voters. They know with a dem Senate and OBiden, nothing will be signed into legislation. That's why not funding stuff is the only solution.

The real crime is the $150-200 billion of our military equipment OBiden has sent to or left in countries not friendly to us.
Nothing to see here...totally normal. Fox news VP dies of heart attack at 47 years old.

I think they are hoping the reactions go from disbelief-to questioning-to anger - to acceptance quickly. Unfortunately, still going to need a big name to drop on live TV for it start to really percolate.
It was the trench model with a shorter barrel and probably didn't have a plug in it.

I have a Model 97 Winchester (made in 1902) with an extended barrel. It is the best shotgun I've ever had and can go up and get birds other shotguns only dream about. Was my great-grandfather's shotgun.
Did these two clown-countries really revert to WWI battle tactics?

Is "mustard gas" next?
Thought the same thing
Huge Blow Up of Ukraine Government. Just like we have said, Coke Head Zelinsky is a bigger crook than the Nigerian Prince.
Over 100B in US Tax Dollars, funding mansions sports cars and total corruption.

Republicans need to end this Ukrainian Scam Now.
150,000 dead Ukrainians, another 4-500000 causalities and Billions stolen.


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