Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Damn this one has me in stiches' and the response below it ripped them open.


Holy crap! Ole Pieter Schoeman isn’t the brightest peanut. And they say Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 110. “They were WAY OFF!!!”
🇨🇴 It's Move Day Gents & Ladies 🇨🇴

I'm going to leave this hi-rise condo with the beautiful views here in the financial district and move about a half-mile away to Provenza - the Mecca of restaurants/lounges/clubs and fun.

My goal has been to try different areas using AirBNB until my friend has one of his luxury places open up and it looks like he'll have one or two of them in March.

After a year + here I'll make the decision to buy a place or just bounce around this gorgeous world God created for us using AirBNB.

Once I get moved in I'll upload photos.

This one is a two bedroom as well & the invitation is always open for anyone of you fine Patriots to join me for some great food and fun!

Con Gusto!
The Anti-Vax People Are the Winners

Us purebloods were never on the losing side. We were always the smart ones. We know our bodies better than anyone. Some of us know a bit about viruses, especially coronaviruses (natural or man made), a bit about immunity and the real time it takes to make a vaccine---this virus, as we know now, was produced in a lab and designed to do exactly what it is doing. The vaccine was simply the payoff.
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The problem with all the people at the top of our government and military is that none of them have been a fight their entire life. I'm not even talking about combat or a battle.... None of these types of people have even been punched in the face or woke up and had to ask "what happened"... It's fantasy thinking on their part.

Sucks for us though.
Except Lieutenant Colonel Vinman, That fat fucker could kick all your asses.
If it were just Chicken Fat causing these blood clots then every person who goes to or had gone to Church's, KFC, or any other chicken restaurant should be having large blood clots their entire lives.

Chicken Fat - just the next false diversion.

I don't think they mean actual chicken fat, just fatty deposits that looks like it.

Regardless, these coroners are saying they've never seen anything like this before.
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And evil always advances where Christianity is absent. Culminating in child rape and sacrifice, worshiping the adversary instead of the creator. Romans 1 to its fullest extent.

That's what much of this is at heart, the luciferian religion is rampant amongst the wealthy and powerful.
Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

^^she looks sane^^

So, what the F are you going to do about it? Are you going to enforce the law or continue caving to these anarchists?

^^she looks sane^^

She’s wearing satanic symbols and her tats/piercings show her to be demonic.

WTF did he expect?

Start opening fire on all of the “antifa” terrorists.

^^she looks sane^^

If they are using explosives time to remove them from society permanently. Huge escalation that requires reciprocal force.

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