Holy hell.
What's going on?
Holy hell.
What are they doing with all the bodies? That by itself is ripe for ecological and pathogenic disaster. Maybe Pfizer will develop another mRNA Jab to neutralize the pathogenic outflow when the bodies start exploding from rot.25,000 Ukranian troops slaughtered in the one Battle of Soledar.
This brings the number killed since Feb 2022 to approximately 150,000 dead and another 4-500,000 wounded.
Still not enough blood for the US MIC and NATO. They are all war ciminals.
Of course Ukraine is winning.
Ασύλληπτη σφαγή: 25.000 απώλειες Ουκρανών στρατιωτών στο Soledar -Σκληρά βίν
Aσύλληπτων διαστάσεων σφαγή έγινε στο Soledar. Βίντεο δείχνουν ότι η πόλη είναι γεμάτη πτώματα Ουκρανών στρατιωτών. Στο Σανατόριο είναι δεκάδεwarnews247.gr
The Battle of Soledar alone deaths is equal to 50% of all US Casualties in Viet Nam in one battle. and the msm is silent.What are they doing with all the bodies? That by itself is ripe for ecological and pathogenic disaster. Maybe Pfizer will develop another mRNA Jab to neutralize the pathogenic outflow when the bodies start exploding from rot.
That’s not Cindy Crawford!View attachment 161629
tip of the top
We are all going to be attending lots of funerals in the near future.Medical emergency is the new unexplained causes. I have seen it three times today.
You'd think when every household has someone with an adverse reaction there would be rioting in the streets. Unfortunately, most people have been reduced acceptance and doing nothing.We are all going to be attending lots of funerals in the near future.
That’s not Cindy Crawford!
If they do what they promised and hold KMac's feet to the fire on his promises more American people will see this and support them. Right now there are still millions of Americans, including myself waiting and watching to see if there's been real change or business as usual. Obviously it's to early to tell but they're off to a good start, but as was said in this thread the $$ to Ukraine will be a real test.The freedom caucus is going to piss off DC for a couple years. I also predict the freedom caucus is far from done growing in numbers. All Americans should be behind what these folks are trying to do. Unless they are liberals. They will never understand how much they work against themselves for the benefit of the establishment liberals. They can't grasp that this is not about what "team" you are on.
I know, Helena is my tip of the top.That’s not Cindy Crawford!
View attachment 161629
tip of the top
Nazi Freeland meets Nazi Nuland
Nazi Freeland meets Nazi Nuland
This is pissing me off. My midtown building has had a “gas riser” issue and they turned off all gas stoves and clothes driers in the building in late November. Supposedly being repaired by mid-Jan. I jokingly told other residents on the elevator one day that this was a plot to shift us to electric and they’d never fix the problems. Not a joke to me though. And will prob cost me 5k since I own my place. It’s hard being a conspiracy theorist when you are right all the time.Brady Seals is listed as a Co-Author on the study government officials are citing for the line about 12% of asthmas in children are caused by gas stoves. Coincidentally, Brady Seals is also a manager in the Rocky Mountain Institute's Carbon Free Buildings program which partners with other companies to remove gas lines from existing buildings.
You see the grift here. Publish a study that says gas stoves bad, think of the children. Government says we must ban gas stoves to save the children, RMI Carbon Free Buildings is awarded millions of dollars in government contracts to arrange the removal of gas lines in existing buildings. Viola!
Their peckers may get stuck in the gap between her teef.Stacey, you can go suck off some policemen to not be alone.
I think they will hold them accountable. It is really up to McCarthy and whoever pulls his strings.If they do what they promised and hold KMac's feet to the fire on his promises more American people will see this and support them. Right now there are still millions of Americans, including myself waiting and watching to see if there's been real change or business as usual. Obviously it's to early to tell but they're off to a good start, but as was said in this thread the $$ to Ukraine will be a real test.
That will be a big one in my mind, I watched Kmacs PC a bit ago and he's calling people out by name. I don't want to put the cart before the horse but I consider their first week to be a success....now build on this week on steroids.I think they will hold them accountable. It is really up to McCarthy and whoever pulls his strings.
IF the payola stops to the Ukraine, that will definitely be a good sign.
The timing of all of this…
Somebody is leaking stuff against Biden right now. Why leak this right as the Pubs take the House and are ready to investigate the everything shit out of Biden and the CCP?
Ok you need to define supermodel - that's not one.