Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Just spoke with my dad - he "blacked out" again yesterday.

Luckily it was on the bed - woke up this morning and went to hospital.

In speaking with him he got both Flu & a COVID booster on Tuesday.

I've told him a 1000 times to stop!

First, he said his pharmacist said, he was "past due" and needed a booster. I got pissed and then he changed his story saying he did it on his own - my dad likes his pharmacist - so I know he changed his story when I was ranting that a pharmacist is not a fucking MD and he doesn't have a license to prescribe shit.

Now he's scared and wants to sell his home and move here to be close to my brother and me.

I'm scared for him as well as we know the more "boosters" the greater chance you die.

Fuck I'm pissed!
I WAS good friends with my pharmacist until he wouldn't fill my ivermectin prescription.
Me and my best friend at the time went and saw Easy Rider, and decided to chop a 47 Knuckle Head. We put a 48 in extension on the springer front end. No NDT on the welds. We would push that old gal up to around 90-100 and it would get hairy. Should of had our asses kicked for ruining an American Classic. Hindsight.

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