Climate change!
My tomcat makes same face when I thump his nutsack.
Good idea, hopefully the local mischief makers like you hand out address's of empty homes, and the Genius DeSantis sends thousands. And they shit and piss all over Obama's stolen estate "he did not build that" anyway. Make it into an other San Francisco Democratic shithole. Hopefully force Obama to build huge walls then the Illegals can build shanties against the wall. Just like in Pearl S. Bucks "The Good Earth"Where’s the billboards that say squatters are welcome. Antifa moved into several abandoned homes on the west coast and liberals weren’t concerned.
Ha Ha Ha you mean prickMy tomcat makes same face when I thump his nutsack.
I am not scared. The guy making that video is fear mongering.
His geological evidence is faulty. The river beds created under the current coast lines were created by a time period when the oceans were significantly lower. Therefore the rivers created these now submerged deposition patterns. The lowered oceans were a result of the ice age and because large portions of the earths water was fixed in ice. The ice was so thick and heavy that it depressed the earths crust in certain locations. When the ice age ended these depressions created large inland lakes. The Great Lakes in North America were created thusly.
Mars lost its atmosphere because it’s core cooled and volcanic activity stopped. This also halted its magnetic sphere. It cooled because the 2 moons of Mars are not large enough to create techtonic tidal forces that result in heat from friction. Earths moon is large enough to keep the inner techtonic friction active resulting in heat creation that results in vulcanic activity replenishing our atmosphere.
Climate change!
Are you saying that Ukraine is Germany in your analogy? In the real BotB, Germany was losing ground on every single front at the time. Do you believe Ukraine is losing ground everywhere except the NE? If so, I think you're not casting a wide enough media net to gather your information. Don't suffer the same mistakes the Left does and only listen to your echo chamber.Google Battle of the Bulge.
What are you expecting? Something like what the Allies did to Dresden in WWII? The cities where the fighting has been in the east of Ukraine have seen a lot of damage. Again, there are plenty of reports in Russian media about Ukraine's counter offensive. They can no longer deny this.When we all see major destruction in major cities in Ukraine, I will agree that Russia is losing.
YouSeriousClark.gifYou’re both wrong. It’s been just over 6000 years since the almighty spoke it into existence.
Interesting stuff is interesting. This guy not only mentions Marburg ( somehwere around the 25 minute mark or so)but also Sept. 24th ( at the 32 minute makr). I am starting to suspect predictive programming or the word is out. Anyway, great insight on the coming housing market implosion along with every other fucking market out there. SKOL!
You forgot a zero or twoSend 100 this time.
Screw that, don’t be sending them all here. NJ and southern NY Is just fine for a cut off point. We have made gains in turning CT into a red state. With so many illegal voters added to the rolls that the liberals could use, that progress would vanish. A couple other NE states are trending red as well.You forgot a zero or two
Seriously, it will cost way less money long term to ship them to these states where voters are the ones that support mass illegal immigration into our country, as opposed to keeping them in your state. Send ALL of them to Cali, Illinois, NY, WA, NJ, and pretty much the whole NE part of the country.
Do you think the government of the United States stands for liberty and freedom?I think it's very good news that Russia is having an epic collapse in Ukraine. Putin is no friend of liberty and freedom.
Would be nice if SHTF to create a LAC Tribe.Find your tribe.
Well, my first plan would be to stop them at the border, but since the current administration seems to want to destroy the country, send them to wherever has the biggest impact on the lives of Biden and the rest of their corrupt administration. Just figured the places that are the deepest blue should be the places they go, since they likely won't flip anyways. Plus, they shouldn't be able to vote anyways, but again with the corrupt government.Screw that, don’t be sending them all here. NJ and southern NY Is just fine for a cut off point. We have made gains in turning CT into a red state. With so many illegal voters added to the rolls that the liberals could use, that progress would vanish. A couple other NE states are trending red as well.
All I need is a Bic pen, spark plug boot piece of screen and a 7/16 socket and we are in business
You sound like you've been following the invasion thread on tMB. Good luck with that.Are you saying that Ukraine is Germany in your analogy? In the real BotB, Germany was losing ground on every single front at the time. Do you believe Ukraine is losing ground everywhere except the NE? If so, I think you're not casting a wide enough media net to gather your information. Don't suffer the same mistakes the Left does and only listen to your echo chamber.
The last part was my point. If we start shipping illegals to states making progress to go red, they will never go red and remain deep blue with how the left loves to cheat. Cali, NJ and southern NY are lost causes at this point. This years governor race In CT promises to be very close, just like the last one....which saw the gap close. It has forced our current governor to make some concessions to conservatives in the state because they’ve seen the change in atmosphere. Especially from the liberals in the suburbs not wanting liberal policies like the ones being forced by the federal government. Many of those liberals have money and would like to keep as much as they can and understand democrats won’t help that. Like you, I believe stopping them at the border is the best option but no way this administration has any intentions of that. So we need to figure out ways to not make all that progress slip away☺.Well, my first plan would be to stop them at the border, but since the current administration seems to want to destroy the country, send them to wherever has the biggest impact on the lives of Biden and the rest of their corrupt administration. Just figured the places that are the deepest blue should be the places they go, since they likely won't flip anyways. Plus, they shouldn't be able to vote anyways, but again with the corrupt government.![]()
Yes, but also to show the hypocrisy of these 'blue' states and their open border stance. You want them, here, you figure out a way to deal with them.The last part was my point. If we start shipping illegals to states making progress to go red, they will never go red and remain deep blue with how the left loves to cheat. Cali, NJ and southern NY are lost causes at this point. This years governor race In CT promises to be very close, just like the last one....which saw the gap close. It has forced our current governor to make some concessions to conservatives in the state because they’ve seen the change in atmosphere. Especially from the liberals in the suburbs not wanting liberal policies like the ones being forced by the federal government. Many of those liberals have money and would like to keep as much as they can and understand democrats won’t help that. Like you, I believe stopping them at the border is the best option but no way this administration has any intentions of that. So we need to figure out ways to not make all that progress slip away☺.