Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I have been pondering this for some time, especially with separating certain officers, non coms and the non-vaxxers from active duty and the refusal to grant waivers to the clot shot. It is a purge, a purge to rid men who would not bear arms toward citizens. I fully expect to go up against some elements of the military, how many, and who, that will remain to be seen. We will have a fight on our hands.

From Busted Knuckles
Meh. There are a lot of Patriots still serving that took the bullshit jab. My son being one of them. Guarantee Texas is still pumping out Patriots that enlist too. That aside, if it ever came down to illegal orders like that, the Patriots would defect, leaving only those beta low testosterone bitches left to fight. I'll take our chances against the soy boy dildo brigade vs all the gun toting redneck Patriots across this great land.
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Honestly if everytime they played the knockout game somebody shot them very soon the game would quit.
Yah nobody wants jail time. But how many old people have they killed or crippled now?
Yeah not convinced this was the knock out game to many people around this looks more like a personal beef between two people

Either way file it under fuck around and find out
It's not insanity. Insanity is thinking that this guy who appointed one deep stater after another and fastracked a deadly vaccine is the competent leader we need going forward. Bill Barr, Chris Wray, Jeff Sessions, the vaccine, how many awful decisions are we supposed to overlook?

Why did Trump thrust Fauci and Birx into the forefront and essentially make them covid czars? Yes, he had a choice. He had many choices, and time and again, he chose the deep state. If the majority of the people ITT figured the vaccine out almost immediately, how is it a supersmart president like Trump couldn't figure it out until he was out of office and started getting roundly booed at his own rallies?

Imagine the difference in Trump's 1st term and the country as a whole if he'd put in place a real AG and a real FBI director, who immediately would have gotten to the bottom of the Wiener laptop. Who wouldn't have let Jeffrey Epstein get slaughtered, who would have opened a Hunter Biden investigation immediately. Instead, we had an FBI that still 100% served democrat-globalist interests. Instead of investigating child rapists and murderers, the fbi is fabricating political crimes and persecuting the globalists' political enemies.

One of Trump's staunchest supporters, Peter Navarro, said a few weeks ago that the Maga-machine loved by most of the people ITT fell apart once they got into the White House. He blamed Jared Kushner, but who was it exactly that gave Kushner - a known leftist - an office and a phone?

We have to stop with the nonsense that the Deep State was a juggernaut Trump couldn't hope to have overcome. If that's the case, what's the point in a 2nd Trump term anyway? Trump had a shot to bury the cabal, instead he tried to make peace with it. He likely won't get a 2nd chance. If America gets another chance, we need to find a leader who won't piss away that opportunity.
I’ll put the counterpoints in two perspectives, one you should understand given your strong understanding of the Bible.

1. We are in a war and wars aren’t won without a casualties or by one single battle. It is unrealistic to think that there won’t be moves made by the enemy that will result in setbacks and even death. COVID illustrates this perfectly. The elites unleashed a combination of a bioweapon, developed in coordination with other nation-states, flexed the influence held ar a state & local level to demonstrate the policies-state power held on major metropolitan areas under the guise of “public health”, and coordinated an economic plan to siphon & consolidate wealth via large multi-National corporations deemed “essential businesses.” These were devastating blows that we are still reeling from 2 years later. Even though Trump won on a strong economy, protecting our borders (look at DHS stats from 2018-2020), taxation, Supreme Court and appellate court appointments, COVID was a strong counterpunch by the elites.

2. You can’t fight something that remains in the darkness. During the first Trump term, he did a great job exposing the Democratic Party and the institutions they control (I.e. Wall Street, Academia, Hollywood, Media, etc…) as the enemies of the people they truly are. Yet it took COVID and the second impeachment to truly show the depth of corruption in the GOP, Healthcare, Judiciary, Voting System, and Military. Those are all additional battles currently being fought. I’m Feb. 2020, most conservatives still thought those institutions were relatively stable. They aren’t. Just as God tells us we have to bring our sin into the light to defeat it, the same holds for any type of darkness or corruption. While I don’t hold Donald Trump to the standard of a Believer, I know Gods principles always apply and he is sovereign over all.

In short, one term wasn’t enough. We have to bring the politica darkness (Fauci, woke Generals, RINOs, ,etc…) into the light if we want any chance of destroying beyond a very short period of time.
Outstanding post

I’ll put the counterpoints in two perspectives, one you should understand given your strong understanding of the Bible.

1. We are in a war and wars aren’t won without a casualties or by one single battle. It is unrealistic to think that there won’t be moves made by the enemy that will result in setbacks and even death. COVID illustrates this perfectly. The elites unleashed a combination of a bioweapon, developed in coordination with other nation-states, flexed the influence held ar a state & local level to demonstrate the policies-state power held on major metropolitan areas under the guise of “public health”, and coordinated an economic plan to siphon & consolidate wealth via large multi-National corporations deemed “essential businesses.” These were devastating blows that we are still reeling from 2 years later. Even though Trump won on a strong economy, protecting our borders (look at DHS stats from 2018-2020), taxation, Supreme Court and appellate court appointments, COVID was a strong counterpunch by the elites.

2. You can’t fight something that remains in the darkness. During the first Trump term, he did a great job exposing the Democratic Party and the institutions they control (I.e. Wall Street, Academia, Hollywood, Media, etc…) as the enemies of the people they truly are. Yet it took COVID and the second impeachment to truly show the depth of corruption in the GOP, Healthcare, Judiciary, Voting System, and Military. Those are all additional battles currently being fought. I’m Feb. 2020, most conservatives still thought those institutions were relatively stable. They aren’t. Just as God tells us we have to bring our sin into the light to defeat it, the same holds for any type of darkness or corruption. While I don’t hold Donald Trump to the standard of a Believer, I know Gods principles always apply and he is sovereign over all.

In short, one term wasn’t enough. We have to bring the politica darkness (Fauci, woke Generals, RINOs, ,etc…) into the light if we want any chance of destroying beyond a very short period of time.
This will play hell with the Central Bankers and the Globalist's.
If this does happen and Eurasia creates a Moscow World Standard for Gold and an open Gold Market. London as a world financial hub will be finished.

Gold and silver unrestrained and manipulated by western Central Bankers will float to 20-30,000 usd per oz.
London would not be finished. Modern monetary theory would be finished. London and NY will continue to be the global centers of finance. But a China-Russia axis would inevitably result in diminished capacity for bankers to influence society outside of the finance realm. People may not realize it, but this makes ESG a dead man walking.
Biden wet himself when he saw this tweet.

he needs no help with that

I’ll put the counterpoints in two perspectives, one you should understand given your strong understanding of the Bible.

1. We are in a war and wars aren’t won without a casualties or by one single battle. It is unrealistic to think that there won’t be moves made by the enemy that will result in setbacks and even death. COVID illustrates this perfectly. The elites unleashed a combination of a bioweapon, developed in coordination with other nation-states, flexed the influence held ar a state & local level to demonstrate the policies-state power held on major metropolitan areas under the guise of “public health”, and coordinated an economic plan to siphon & consolidate wealth via large multi-National corporations deemed “essential businesses.” These were devastating blows that we are still reeling from 2 years later. Even though Trump won on a strong economy, protecting our borders (look at DHS stats from 2018-2020), taxation, Supreme Court and appellate court appointments, COVID was a strong counterpunch by the elites.

2. You can’t fight something that remains in the darkness. During the first Trump term, he did a great job exposing the Democratic Party and the institutions they control (I.e. Wall Street, Academia, Hollywood, Media, etc…) as the enemies of the people they truly are. Yet it took COVID and the second impeachment to truly show the depth of corruption in the GOP, Healthcare, Judiciary, Voting System, and Military. Those are all additional battles currently being fought. I’m Feb. 2020, most conservatives still thought those institutions were relatively stable. They aren’t. Just as God tells us we have to bring our sin into the light to defeat it, the same holds for any type of darkness or corruption. While I don’t hold Donald Trump to the standard of a Believer, I know Gods principles always apply and he is sovereign over all.

In short, one term wasn’t enough. We have to bring the politica darkness (Fauci, woke Generals, RINOs, ,etc…) into the light if we want any chance of destroying beyond a very short period of time.
It had to be done this way.
London would not be finished. Modern monetary theory would be finished. London and NY will continue to be the global centers of finance. But a China-Russia axis would inevitably result in diminished capacity for bankers to influence society outside of the finance realm. People may not realize it, but this makes ESG a dead man walking.I
I strongly disagree. The UK is in collapse. The USA and the UK and the EU have isolated themselves from the global market. The USA, UK, EU make up 1B people. The rest of the world 7B people did not adopt Biden Sanctions and are thriving without the European Peninsula and the USA.
No I said that, the Navajo have always said that a blue star would appear at the end of the world. Navajo Mythology. The Blue Star Kachina.

Oh gotcha. My dad was an really good artist. He drew an eagle kachina dancer that was amazing. It got lost when he moved to Belize

Looked kinda like this one

I’ll put the counterpoints in two perspectives, one you should understand given your strong understanding of the Bible.

1. We are in a war and wars aren’t won without a casualties or by one single battle. It is unrealistic to think that there won’t be moves made by the enemy that will result in setbacks and even death. COVID illustrates this perfectly. The elites unleashed a combination of a bioweapon, developed in coordination with other nation-states, flexed the influence held ar a state & local level to demonstrate the policies-state power held on major metropolitan areas under the guise of “public health”, and coordinated an economic plan to siphon & consolidate wealth via large multi-National corporations deemed “essential businesses.” These were devastating blows that we are still reeling from 2 years later. Even though Trump won on a strong economy, protecting our borders (look at DHS stats from 2018-2020), taxation, Supreme Court and appellate court appointments, COVID was a strong counterpunch by the elites.

2. You can’t fight something that remains in the darkness. During the first Trump term, he did a great job exposing the Democratic Party and the institutions they control (I.e. Wall Street, Academia, Hollywood, Media, etc…) as the enemies of the people they truly are. Yet it took COVID and the second impeachment to truly show the depth of corruption in the GOP, Healthcare, Judiciary, Voting System, and Military. Those are all additional battles currently being fought. I’m Feb. 2020, most conservatives still thought those institutions were relatively stable. They aren’t. Just as God tells us we have to bring our sin into the light to defeat it, the same holds for any type of darkness or corruption. While I don’t hold Donald Trump to the standard of a Believer, I know Gods principles always apply and he is sovereign over all.

In short, one term wasn’t enough. We have to bring the politica darkness (Fauci, woke Generals, RINOs, ,etc…) into the light if we want any chance of destroying beyond a very short period of time.
Thanks and great insight as always, God wins😎
I suppose everything reeks of losing for a loser like you

Pineapple, stick to what you do best, debate and back and forth isn't it

Ultimately, everyone in this thread knows Trump is a poser and it's positive that we are shifting the focus to what to do about it as it completely rules out the current political process as a viable path
How much are the glowies paying you to strike discord? You are obviously just making up shit b/c your arguments border on the absurd. Classic black and white disruption of the threads so important shit get buried. Or you are just an unlikeable douche.
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

How much are the glowies paying you to strike discord? You are obviously just making up shit b/c your arguments border on the absurd. Classic black and white disruption of the threads so important shit get buried. Or you are just an unlikeable douche.
Yea for sure

As an agent of the deep state my goal is to ensure Jack posobeic tweets get buried in favor of outlandish content such as "Warp Speed" Don is a snake
Guessing there is more to it than just a random attack Looks like a school hallway or something. But that is murder the threat was no longer there and he was leaving and turned around and fired.
I’d give him probation. He was in fear for his life. Kid could have followed him out and attacked again.

Probably not, but I don’t like wimps that sucker punch folks.

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