Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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This will play hell with the Central Bankers and the Globalist's.
If this does happen and Eurasia creates a Moscow World Standard for Gold and an open Gold Market. London as a world financial hub will be finished.

Gold and silver unrestrained and manipulated by western Central Bankers will float to 20-30,000 usd per oz.
No. My uncle is a legit genius. Worked for the government at white sands and worked on weapons we don’t know about.

He’s an engineer. He actually used the “well, it’s my truth” argument. My cousin is one of the youngest to become a certified master engineer in his field.

I’ve lost all respect for them. Here I am average to below average intelligence.
I’ll actually be heading to White Sands next week on business. One of my bosses is literally one off the smartest people I know. He doesn’t have an issue telling anyone either. I definitely respect him in that fashion other than him being a flaming liberal, the downright lunacy he displays throws all that smart shit out the window.
Glenn Greenwald 2020-nailed it

Kash Patel

Day 6: its been 6 DAYS since my lawyer called Jay Bratt at DOJ who is running Mar a Lago raid op, where he intentionally jeopardized my safety by unredacting my name while FBI was investigating active death threats against me. 6 DAYS and this coward doesn’t even have the decency to call my lawyer back- we are the adults, they are political thugs.


That’s dudes probable going to prison but nothing would have been done to that punk playing his racist little game
Guessing there is more to it than just a random attack Looks like a school hallway or something. But that is murder the threat was no longer there and he was leaving and turned around and fired.
PEDO Joe. What a sorry excuse for a human being. Him and Obama have destroyed the Majesty and Honor of the Office of President and the title Commander in Chief.
Two evil shit stains.

Guessing there is more to it than just a random attack Looks like a school hallway or something. But that is murder the threat was no longer there and he was leaving and turned around and fired.
Honestly if everytime they played the knockout game somebody shot them very soon the game would quit.
Yah nobody wants jail time. But how many old people have they killed or crippled now?

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