Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I won’t go back and forth on this, you made a point.

My point was the vaccine stuff isn’t enough for me to buy into the theory. The logic makes zero sense.

Maybe he is deep state. Maybe he appointed some people he shouldn’t have and regrets it.

I do not know. I hope he’s not deep state, but you nor I know this answer for certain. We better be praying he isn’t.

I don't believe he's deep state. I believe he's grossly incompetent and unfit for the challenge we face. I'm mystified that some ITT take offense to that and want to argue for him and excuse all those mistakes. He was a one-man mistake factory, and has said very little in his speeches to let us know he made those mistakes and learned from them. Mostly, he just rails on about Washington scumbag pols, many of whom he himself placed in office.

IMO, the vaccine makes the most compelling case that he is playing for the other side. You, me, most ITT and about 40% of Americans knew to avoid the death jab. Trump pushed it, took credit for fast tracking it, even commonly referred to it as "his". Who on earth would trust Bill Gates and his minions when it came to vaccines? I can't reconcile that a smart, anti-globalist leader would fall for Fauci & co. Every time he faced one of these so-called no-win situations, his choice was always DS. Maybe that's easy for you to excuse away, but it's not for me.
So your reality and theory is that Trump is a bad actor and just doing what? Playing along?
He's controlled opposition

He is to be presented and present himself as an outsider so people attach themselves to him....."the best way to defeat your opposition is to lead it"

His role is to guide right wing Americans into suicide

He is a totally controlled tool of the global technocrats. His main purpose is to be a divisive distraction

They want the political conversation to be this

Right wing person: "look at inflation, the border, the covid scam, transgenderism, etc"

Left wing person: "yea but trump"

His purpose is to be a perpetual wall between Americans

The move is to see him for what he is and turn him into a source of unity and understanding

If you ever debate a Democrat or how easy it is if you enter yourself to de distant and opposed to trump.....he's literally their only rebuttal

See him and you disarm and deactivate years of brainwashing and psyops
Same thing would’ve happened that did happen. He would have lost. Or been forced out of office maybe a couple of months early. Doubtful but no big deal. I think people‘s lives are worth more than political aspirations. His loss, in fact, probably saved thousands of lives. If he had won he still would’ve been pushing this shit.
Only he never would have had mandates forcing people's hands to get it. It would have been, yeah its there the beautiful wonderful great vaccine is there IF YOU WANT IT. Not being forced on everyone to choose their livelihood or the shot.

Biden has always been known for stealing things
This happened right here in SWFL. I know some people who know this guy. I got this video on Monday in a group text I'm in. I'm waiting to hear back once they have talked to him.
He definitely should not engage them without back up and a camera rolling. They are looking to distort his comments - “You’re ATF” “We aren’t idiots”. Clear distortion.

F them. You should all show up next time they come. Weapons visible and support him.
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