Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Really can not see anyone in DC ever being held to account by the DOJ or the law. Just never going to happen. America the Republic and The Rule of Law has gone bye bye.

College biology prof hated big pharma. Told us a story of a friend of his that was ruined back in the 80’s after he discovered that the articular cartilage from chicken bones cured osteoarthritis and rebuilds human cartilage. He had patented a way to dry and grind the cartilage and then put it into gelatin capsules. Said he had 9 different pharma companies come at him at once.
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College biology prof hated big pharma. Told us a story of a friend of his that was ruined back in the 80’s after he discovered that the articular cartilage from chicken bones cured osteoarthritis and rebuilds human cartilage. He had patented a way to dry and grind the cartilage and then put it into gelatin capsules. Said he had 9 different pharma companies come him at once.

So what happened to the dude?

View attachment 129171

Chevy volt replacement battery
What about the fee for disposal of the existing one?

I’m sure that’s why that fucking weirdo Fuckerbucks suppressed the laptop info. It had nothing to do with the $350 million investment by his Center for Technology and Civic Life that happened to be given to only the districts/cities/counties that were most involved in the voting manipulation. He wanted a return on investment and was only too happy to comply with the request. He had stippulations in the grants with certain requirements that had to be met or the money was forfeited. These were mainly ways to increase absentee and mail-in ballots along with enhancing late registrations.

Also,why was the Hunter laptop suppressed for much longer than the one week FBi request?

Without listening to the interview, his response is such a cop out and doesn’t address the larger issue that he spent $350 million on.



Ted Kennedy left the scene of his drunk driving, returned to his hotel room and went to sleep while Mary Jo Kopechne drown in, what experts say was a slow, four-hour horrific tortuous death as the car slowly filled with water. She ran out of air pockets. She died. Ted was in his hotel bed.

He didn't report anything to the police until the next morning after consulting with his advisers.

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