Wait a damn minute, I thought those were just conspiracy theories…
No problem. We are still on the cusp of a totalitarian state. I still can’t go into my kid’s school but she can. She can sit next to other students for 7 hours without a mask but can’t attend extracurricular activities. My other daughter is deferring from college for a quarter because they still have the ridiculous mandates for 2 shots and a booster, and she got into a top 25 nationally ranked school in NYC.Thanks.
I just don’t get this. FFS Australia let him in to play!?!?
combo jab
The current flu vaccine has a long history of safety along with a mixed bag of effectiveness.
Yah offer them laxative laced water for 2 days and let them shit and piss themselves until they are gagging on their own smell. then ask if they want to surrender.Start letting them sit there for 48 hours with no food, water, toiletries, protection from the elements etc. before rescuing them. They’ll think a little harder before doing it again
I'm getting the jab so that I can tweet that I have tested positive for the flu but am thankful that I was jabbed or would have been much worse.
But seriously, I have not decided if I'll get a flu shot this year or not. Probably will. It is designed as a true vaccine in that a small amount of actual chopped up virus is injected to help your body create an immune response to help prevent infection. I am also not trying to convince anyone to get it or not. I got a flu shot last year and still got the flu. It sucked. I also work in an environment where I have a high probability of being exposed. As we both stated, it does not always work due virus mutations. Some years it works better than others:
From a WebMD article(https://www.webmd.com/LUNG/NEWS/20200902/HOW-EFFECTIVE-IS-THE-FLU-VACCINE)
Because flu viruses mutate constantly and the vaccine wears off over time, you can’t get vaccinated once and expect to be covered for years, as you can with other diseases. The vaccine must be changed each year, in hopes of matching the ever-mutating viruses. And that’s been a challenge. On average, it’s been 40% effective, meaning it’s prevented illness 40% of the time. Since health officials started tracking it in 2003, effectiveness has varied from year to year, ranging from a low of 10% in 2004-05 to a high of 60% in 2010-11.
Why would anyone take a Vax at this point?
Scared of the flu?
Eat right and get outside
None of the "data" can be trusted
And to think they mass produce effective and safe potions for evolving viruses is preposterous in my view
Enjoy your jabs, the medical inoculation complex has your back
You’re going to offend the BLM lovers on this board.Holy Shit. I hope the cop killed that guy.
No. And don’t post shit like that.Deserved everything he got. What a dumbass for going back outside.
Start letting them sit there for 48 hours with no food, water, toiletries, protection from the elements etc. before rescuing them. They’ll think a little harder before doing it again
Would personally like to see a sales tax replace much of it. That way everyone pays something in.
I would like for them to wait for her to beg for help. Then they send in three contractors to bid the project. When she selects one she can provide a credit card for payment or arrange financing(assuming she can get approved).And charge her for the cost of extracting her dumb ass.
That works for me. I would like there to be exceptions for purchases like food (should never be taxed anywhere), medical, etc.Would personally like to see a sales tax replace much of it. That way everyone pays something in.
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^^trannies may think they're a woman, they are not
This was a joke, right?Deserved everything he got. What a dumbass for going back outside.