My younger brother and I did this every summer for years. There was not one pinch of fat anywhere on our bodies. We would be raw down the front of our thighs to the knees and from the elbow to the wrist. The bales weighed almost as much as we did, thousands of bales each summer. It was unpaid slave labor ha ha ha.
The wagon was hitched behind the baler and you had to keep it cleared and stacked or you got buried. You picked up the work ethic early in our family.
We acquired a taste for skunky piss warm beer. Beer that had been left in the sun in the back of the farm truck by the older brother.
Our entertainment was shooting gophers, with handguns and .22's and drinking piss warm beer.
Our balls hadn't dropped yet so we were not stealing farm trucks to get to town chasing girls. That came later.
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